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Maximizing the Presence of Living Roots
ОглавлениеThe area around plant roots is typically where the highest number and greatest diversity of soil microorganisms are found (Hornby & Bateman, 1997; Grayston et al., 1998; Ladygina & Hedlund, 2010; Singh et al., 2004). The rhizosphere is a very important ecological zone for SH improvement because living plant roots exude numerous carbon compounds as they grow and steadily slough dead cells from their surfaces. These contributions from roots add organic carbon to the ecosystem and help feed soil organisms. Plant roots are also involved in complex biochemical communication among soil microbes whereby beneficial organisms are “recruited” by plants while pathogenic organisms are often deterred. Plant roots also physically enmesh soil particles thus helping to create and preserve soil aggregates. Conservation practices that can be used to maximize the presence of living roots in the soil include Conservation Cover (327), Conservation Crop Rotation (328), Cover Crop (340), Forage & Biomass Planting (512), Mulching (484) and Prescribed Grazing (528). These selected practices are just some of the ways soil biological processes can be enhanced by SH management systems. Producers and those who work with them on establishing new management adaptations continue to innovate. The remaining chapters provide additional information and examples illustrating how continued implementation of known soil health promoting practices and new innovations can be assessed for their effects on critical soil functions by measuring appropriate SH indicators.