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Field Evaluations


Field evaluations of soil health can often provide timely insights into soil condition (Fig. 2.2). They can affirm the efficacy of current and previous soil and crop management decisions (e.g., tillage intensity, rotations, manure application) and thus help guide management changes to better align with goals of the land manager. Field evaluations can also help discern the value of more intensive, costly follow‐up assessments, and may confirm (or refute) findings from previous laboratory analyses.

Soil‐related information gathered during a field evaluation is strongly influenced by the approach taken, and much like the selection of sampling designs, the evaluator should be aware of tradeoffs associated with the selected approach. Therefore, attributes of field evaluations and their capacity to meet stated objectives should be carefully considered by the land manager prior to initiating assessments.

Laboratory Methods for Soil Health Analysis, Volume 2

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