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Certain Investigations on Different Mathematical Models in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence


Ms. Akshatha Y* and Dr. S Pravinth Raja†

Dept. of CSE, Presidency University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is as wide as the other branches of computer science, including computational methods, language analysis, programming systems, and hardware systems. Machine learning algorithm has brought greater change in the field of artificial intelligence which has supported the power of human perception in a splendid way. The algorithm has different sections, of which the most common segment is classification. Decision tree, logistic regression, naïve bays algorithm, support vector machine algorithm, boosted tree, random forest and k nearest neighbor algorithm come under the classification of algorithms. The classification process requires some pre-defined method leading the process of choosing train data from the user’s sample data. A host of AI Advanced AI programming languages and methodologies can provide high-level frameworks for implementing numerical models and approaches, resulting in simpler computational mechanics codes, easier to write, and more adaptable. A range of heuristic search, planning, and geometric reasoning algorithms can provide efficient and comprehensive mechanisms for resolving problems such as shape description and transformation, and model representation based on constraints. So behind every algorithm there lies a strong mathematical model, based on conditional probability. This article is the analysis of those mathematical models and logic behind different classification algorithms that allow users to make the training dataset based on which computer can predict the correct performance.

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, classification, computation, machine learning

Simulation and Analysis of Mathematical Methods in Real-Time Engineering Applications

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