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1.5 Conclusions


From an epistemological aspect, it can be inferred that the fact of being able to elaborate an ethical theoretical framework involving other forms of life represents a gnoseological challenge. Therefore, it is also a transdisciplinary challenge to be able to connect different disciplines and thus to develop an appropriate normative moral framework. The implication that so many disciplines have from social to natural, makes astrobioethics an authentic exercise between disciplines. However, as much as we want, the ontological frontier is always present, reminding us that we cannot leave our human brains and our carbon-based nature.

From an astrotheological aspect, it is interesting to think that perhaps there may be religions more likely to accept life on other worlds. It is important to have a discussion-based perspective among different religious leaders. It is inevitable that the subject of religion will be dealt with once life is found in other worlds; and yet, depending on the type of discovery, we might see different reactions from religion. However, it seems obvious that religion will have to adapt its worldview to the new component: life on other worlds.

Regarding the aspect of Interplanetary issue, we see that instrumental ethics is not sustainable over time since the value of extraterrestrial life depends on its usefulness for scientific research. On the contrary, if we assume a teloempathic position, this changes because we will try as much as possible to look after the interests of these discovered beings—always assumed to be microbial forms—and generate large planetary reserve parks. However, there is always the extreme imaginary challenge where we are asked if it is necessary to intervene in an inhabited place, and it is here that the third principle of deep ecology comes into play. This principle allows exceptions to the rule of respect for diversity of life. It is important to keep this in mind so that we do not have to spoil an ecosystem that we may never discover again, and not repeat the disaster we have caused in nature on Earth.


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