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2.4.3 Organic PV Cell


Organic electronics is a branch of study which briefs about tiny organic molecules and polymers; it is incorporated in organic solar cells for power production [7]. Schematic diagram of organic photovoltaic solar cell is shown in Figure 2.8. The photovoltaic effect is used to receive sunlight and transport charge to produce electricity. The polymer solar cell is a type of organic photovoltaic cell, and it is used to produce high volumes at low cost [21]. Due to its flexibility, it is cheap and most appropriate for photovoltaic applications. It has higher absorption coefficient of organic molecules; hence, receiving of large amount of solar light is possible with smaller materials, and it is in the range from few hundreds to few thousand of nanometers. However, this system has few drawbacks such as lesser efficiency, strength, and stability compared to inorganic solar cells.

Figure 2.8 Organic PV cell.

Materials for Solar Energy Conversion

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