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Abbreviation Explanation
3GPP2 3rd Generation Partnership Project 2
5G 5th Generation
5GAA 5G Automotive Association
5GC 5G Core
5G‐NTN 5G Non‐Terrestrial Network
6G 6th Generation
AD Anomaly Detection
AFL Agnostic Federated Learning
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIaaS AI‐as‐a‐Service
API Application Programming Interface
APS Angular Power Spectrum
APSM Adaptive Projected Subgradient Method
ARCEP Autorité de Régulation des Communications Électroniques et des Postes
ARIB Association of Radio Industries and Businesses
AS Autonomous System
ASIC Application‐Specific Integrated Circuit
ATIS Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
B2B Business‐to‐Business
B2C Business‐to‐Consumer
B5G Beyond 5G
BBUs Baseband Units
BGP Border Gateway Protocol
BN Boundary Nodes
BOM Business, Operation, and Management
BS Base Station
BSS Business Support System
BW Bandwidth
CAPEX Capital Expenses
CBRS Citizen Broadband Radio System
CCNx Content‐Centric Networking
CCSA China Communications Standards Association
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
CeTI Centre for Tactile Internet with Human‐in‐the‐Loop
CFN Computer‐First Networking
C‐ITS Cooperative Intelligent Transport System
CN Core Network
COINRG Computing in the Network Research Group
COTS Commercial Off The Shelf
CP Control Platform
CPM Collective Perception Message
CPNP Connectivity Profile Negotiation Protocol
CPU Central Processing Unit
CR Common Randomness
CSAE China Society of Automotive Engineers
CS Channel Sounder
CSI Channel State Information
CSI Channel Side Information
CU Centralized Unit
CUPS Control User Plane Separation
D/A Digital to Analogue
DCAE Data Collection, Analytics, and Events
DC Data Center
DDoS Distributed Denial of Service
DetNet Deterministic Networking
DFG Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
DI Deterministic Identification
DINRG Decentralized Internet Infrastructure
DMC Discrete Memoryless Channel
DNN Deep Neural Network
DoS Denial of Service
DPI Deep Packet Inspection
DRL Deep Reinforcement Learning
DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point
DU Distributed Unit
EE Energy Efficiency
EI Enrichment Information
eLSA Evolved License Shared Access
EM Electromagnetic
eMBB Enhanced Mobile Broadband
EROI Energy Return on Energy Injected
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
FD Full Duplex
FDM Frequency Division Multiplexing
FH Fronthaul
FL Federated Learning
FLOP Float Point Operation
FPGA Field‐Programmable Gate Array
FR2 Frequency Range 2
FSS Fixed Satellite Service
FSS Frequency Selective Surface
GDPR General Data Protection Regulation
GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit
gNB Next‐Generation NodeB
GPP General‐Purpose Platform
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
GSM Global System for Mobile Communication
GSMA GSM Association
GTP GPRS Tunnel Protocol
HAP High‐Altitude Platform
HD Half Duplex
HDFS Hadoop Distributed File System
HDS High Impedance Surface
HFT High‐Frequency Trading
HMD Head‐Mounted Device
HRV High‐Risk Vendor
HTS High Throughput Satellite
ICDT Information, Communication, and Data Technology
ICT Information and Communication Technology
IDF Identification with Feedback
IMT International Mobile Telecommunications
IoE Internet of Everything
IoT Internet of Things
IP Intellectual Property
IPFS Interplanetary File System
IRTF Internet Research Task Force
ISL Inter‐Satellite Link
ISTN Integrated Space and Terrestrial Network
IT Information Technology
ITU International Telecommunication Union
JCSS Joint Communication Sensor Systems
KPI Key Performance Indicator
K‐V Key Values
LEO Low Earth Orbit
LF Linux Foundation
LISP Locator/ID Separation Protocol
LPWAN Low‐Power Wide‐Area Network
LTE Long‐Term Evolution
M2M Machine‐to‐Machine
MAC Media Access Control
MAMOKO Molecular Communication
MCTS Monte Carlo Tree Search
MDA Mandate‐Driven Architecture
MDAS Management Data Analytics Service
MEC Mobile Edge Computing
MEO Medium Earth Orbit
mHealth Mobile Health
MIMO Multi‐Input Multi‐Output
MIoT Massive IoT
ML Machine Learning
MMSE Minimum Mean Square Error
mMTC Massive Machine Type Communications
MSS Mobile Satellite Service
NAS Non‐Access Stratum
NAT Network Address Translator
NCSC National Cyber Security Centre
NDN Named Data Networking
NF Network Function
NFV Network Function Virtualization
NGP Next‐Generation Protocols
NIA Network Index Address
NIC Network Interface Controller
NIN Non‐IP Networking
NN Neural Network
NOMA Non‐Orthogonal Multiple Access
NRI Non‐Randomized Identification
NRT Non‐Real‐Time
NRT‐RIC Non‐Real‐Time RAN Intelligent Controller
NSF National Science Foundation
NWDA Network Data Analytic
NWDAF Network Data Analytics Function
OAM Operation and Management
OBO Output Back‐off
OBP On‐Board Processor
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access
OPEX Operational Expenditure
O‐RAN Open Radio Access Network
OSC O‐RAN Software Community
OT Operation Technology
OTF Open Testing Framework
OTIC Open Testing and Integration Center
OTN Optical Transport Network
P4 Programming Protocol‐Independent Packet Processors
PAPR Peak‐to‐Average Power Ratio
PCE Path Communication Element
PCF Policy Control Function
PE Provider Edge
PFNM Probabilistic Federated Neural Matching
PHY Physical
PISA Protocol‐Independent Switch Architecture
PLC Programmable Logic Control
PN Pseudo‐Noise
PS Public Safety
PSCE Public Safety Communication Europe Forum
QoE Quality of Experience
QoS Quality of Service
RAN Radio Access Network
RANDA Radio Access Network Big Data Analysis Network Architecture
rApp Radio Application
RCA Root Cause Analysis
ReLU Rectified Linear Unit
RI Randomized Identification
RIC Radio Intelligent Controller
RIC RAN Intelligent Controller
RIS Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
RKHS Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces
RLNC Random Linear Network Coding
RRC Radio Resource Control
RT Real‐Time
SA System Aspect
SBA Service‐Based Architecture
SBI Service‐Based Interface
SDL Shared Data Layer
SDN Software‐Defined Networking
SDO Standard Development Organization
SDR Software‐Defined Radio
SE Spectrum Efficiency
SFC Service Function Chaining
SFP Service Function Path
SGD Stochastic Gradient Descent
SLA Service‐Level Agreement
SLA Service Layer Agreement
SNR Signal‐to‐Noise Ratio
SOM Service Order Management
SRv6 Segment Routing Based on IPv6
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TDM Time Division Multiplex
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TIP Telecom Infrastructure Project
TSDSI Telecommunications Standards Development Society
TSN Time‐Sensitive Networking
TTA Telecommunication Technology Association
TTC Telecommunication Technology Committee
TTI Transmission Time Interval
UAV Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
UDN Ultradense Network
UMTS Universal Mobile Telecommunication System
UN IPCC United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
UP User Plane
UPF User Plane Function
URLLC Ultrareliable Low‐Latency Communication
V2X Vehicle to Everything
VHTS Very High Throughput Satellites
VM Virtual Machines
VNA Vector Network Analyzers
VNF Virtual Network Function
VPN Virtual Private Network
VRU Vulnerable Road User
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminals
WBD Wireless Big Data
WWW World Wide Web
YOY Year over Year
ZB Zettabytes
ZSM Zero‐Touch Network and Service Management
Shaping Future 6G Networks

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