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Genetic Changes Associated with Disease/ Trait Phenotypes Mutations Versus Polymorphisms


Alterations in the genetic code can be neutral, beneficial, or deleterious. Neutral and beneficial changes contribute to the natural variation among individuals and are not considered to have a negative effect on the organism. Rare changes in the genetic code that lead to an abnormal trait or disease phenotype are typically termed a mutation (or a pathogenic variant). The pathology of a mutation can be the result of either a loss or gain of function of the gene product. Such changes can occur in a number of different ways as highlighted below. A polymorphism, on the other hand, is used to describe a genetic variation in which there are two or more possible alleles at a particular locus. A genetic variation is typically termed a polymorphism if it is found in >1% of the population. A polymorphism may be a change in a single nucleotide, known as a single nucleotide polymorphism, an insertion or deletion (indel), or a duplication or deletion of a large segment of DNA, sometimes referred to as a copy number variant (CNV). Much research is currently underway to evaluate the effects of such polymorphisms on common and complex diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, cancer, and heart disease.

Genetic Analysis of Complex Disease

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