
Реклама. ООО «ЛитРес», ИНН: 7719571260.
Группа авторов. Biogeography
Table of Contents
List of Illustrations
List of Tables
Biogeography. An Integrative Approach of the Evolution of Living
P.1. References
1. Origins of Biogeography: A Personal Perspective
1.1. Introduction: a history of scientific practice
1.1.1. What is biogeography?
1.2. A history of phyto- and zoogeographical classification. 1.2.1. Terminology
1.2.2. How classification works
1.2.3. Botanical geography versus the geography of plants
1.2.4. Zoogeography: a search for natural regions
1.3. Ecology versus taxonomy: populations not species
1.4. Conclusion
1.5. References
2. Analytical Approaches in Biogeography: Advances and Challenges
2.1. Introduction
2.2. From narrative dispersal accounts to event-based methods (EBM)
2.2.1. Parsimony-based tree fitting
2.2.2. Dispersal–vicariance analysis
2.3. From parsimony-based to semiparametric approaches
2.4. A new revolution: parametric approaches in biogeography
2.4.1. Ancestral range versus single state models: DEC and BIB
2.4.2. Extending the DEC and BIB models
2.5. Expanding parametric models. 2.5.1. Time-heterogeneous models
2.5.2. Diversification-dependent models
2.5.3. Ecology-integrative models
2.6. Population-level and individual-based models
2.7. References
3. Phylogeography
3.1. Introduction
3.2. The early days of phylogeography: cytoplasmic genomes and qualitative post hoc explanations of historical processes
3.3. Statistical phylogeography
3.4. Comparative phylogeography
3.5. Integrative studies
3.5.1. Integration of ecological niche modeling in phylogeographic studies
3.5.2. Integration of life-history traits in phylogeographic studies
3.6. Conclusion
3.7. References
4. Geophysical Biogeography
4.1. Introduction
4.2. Geophysical biogeography at large. 4.2.1. Present day
4.2.2. The dynamic Earth: continental drift
4.2.3. Continental drift and climate
4.2.4. The fast pace of mass extinctions
4.3. Geophysical biogeography at regional scale
4.3.1. Mountain belts and rifts
4.3.2. Epeirogenies, dynamic topography
4.3.3. Glacial cycles
4.4. Conclusions
4.5. References
5. Island Biogeography
5.1. The equilibrium theory of island biogeography
5.2. Insularity and the evolution of emblematic biotas
5.3. Island biogeography in the Anthropocene
5.3.1. Biological invasions
5.3.2. Anthropogenic climate change
5.4. References
6. Cave Biogeography
6.1. Physical characteristics of subterranean environments
6.2. Diversity and adaptations of the cave fauna. 6.2.1. Underground evolution Features and biogeographical interest of the subterranean fauna
6.2.2. Diversity. Taxonomic richness World patterns of distribution of the cave fauna
6.3. Vicariance and dispersal shape the global distribution patterns of cave animals. 6.3.1. Disjunct distributions and the relictual status of cave biota Terrestrial groups Stygobitic groups
6.3.2. Colonization of the subterranean environment: reassessing biogeographic hypotheses Impact of glaciations on present-day underground biodiversity Ongoing processes of underground colonization Forever trapped? Secondary diversification underground and “flourishing” lineages
6.4. Perspectives in subterranean biogeography
6.5. Acknowledgments
6.6. References
7. Soil Bacterial Biogeography at the Scale of France
7.1. Introduction
7.2. Soil bacterial communities. 7.2.1. Abundance, diversity and role
7.2.2. Molecular tools to characterize bacterial communities
7.2.3. Genesis of microbial biogeography
7.3. Soil survey networks around the world
7.3.1. The French Monitoring Network of Soil Quality
7.4. Bacterial alpha- and beta-diversity at the national scale. 7.4.1. Bacterial alpha-diversity
7.4.2. The bacterial taxa–area relationship
7.5. Spatial distribution and ecological attributes of bacterial taxa at a large scale
7.6. Large-scale bacterial co-occurrence networks (also called Bacteriosociology)
7.7. Do large-scale bacterial habitats exist?
7.8. Biogeography at the service of environmental diagnosis
7.9. Conclusion perspectives
7.10. References
8. Fungal Biogeography
8.1. Introduction
8.2. Fungal evolutionary history
8.3. Biogeographic patterns
8.3.1. Distance-decay of similarity and species area relationship
8.3.2. Latitudinal diversity patterns
8.3.3. Altitudinal diversity patterns
8.4. Functional and interactional biogeography of fungi
8.4.1. Functional biogeography of fungi
8.4.2. Interactional biogeography of fungi and plants
8.4.3. Interactional biogeography of fungi and animals
8.4.4. Interactional biogeography of fungi and bacteria
8.5. Fungal biogeography under global environmental change
8.6. The role of citizen science in the study of fungal biogeography
8.7. Future directions
8.8. References
9. Freshwater Biogeography in a Nutshell
9.1. Introduction
9.2. Freshwater hotspots and patterns in species richness. 9.2.1. Latitudinal gradient in species richness
9.2.2. Geography, environment and biogeographical history
9.2.3. Species–area relationship (SAR)
9.2.4. Community assembly in freshwater
9.2.5. Local scale
9.2.6. Metacommunity concept
9.2.7. Beta diversity
9.3. Conclusion
9.4. Acknowledgments
9.5. References
10. Marine Biogeography
10.1. Introduction
10.2. Diversification in the oceans
10.3. Diversity gradients in the oceans
10.3.1. Latitudinal diversity gradients
10.3.2. Bathymetric diversity gradients
10.3.3. Compositional diversity gradients
10.3.4. Functional and phylogenetic diversity gradients
10.4. Conclusions
10.5. References
11. Biogeography of Diseases
11.1. Introduction. 11.1.1. The need of disease mapping for management and prevention policies
11.1.2. Hypotheses on which biogeography sustains the analysis of infectious diseases
11.2. Do microbes have their own biogeography?
11.3. Historical biogeography and disease
11.4. Disease distribution patterns
11.5. Disease distribution modeling. 11.5.1. Mechanistic versus empirical modeling
11.5.2. The search for risk factors in time and space Land-cover change Globalization and mobility Atmosphere–ocean oscillations Climate change
11.5.3. Pathogeography: addressing the multifaceted analysis in disease mapping
11.6. Concluding remarks
11.7. Acknowledgements
11.8. References
12. Biogeography and Climate Change
12.1. Climate change
12.1.1. Drivers of climate change
12.1.2. Observed changes in the climate system
12.1.3. Future projections of global climate change +1.5°C tipping point
12.2. Impacts of climate change on biodiversity
12.2.1. Recent impacts Changes in species distribution
12.2.2. Future impacts
12.3. References
13. Conservation Biogeography: Our Place in the World
13.1. The emergence of conservation biogeography
13.2. Milestones in the development of conservation biogeography
13.3. The purview of conservation biogeography: claimed and examined
13.4. Has conservation biogeography provided unique contributions to biodiversity conservation?
13.5. Future directions
13.6. References
List of Authors
Index. A, B
C, D
E, F
G, H
I, J, L
M, N, O
P, R, S
T, V, Z
Отрывок из книги
Ecosystems and Environment Field Directors – Françoise Gaill and Dominique Joly
The divisions in use till quite recently were of two kinds; either those ready made by geographers, more especially the quarters or continents of the globe; or those determined by climate and marked out by certain parallels of latitude of by isothermal lines. Either of these methods was better than none at all; [but] it will be evident, that such divisions must have often been very unnatural, and have disguised many of the most important and interesting phenomena which a study of the distribution of animals presents to us … The merit of initiating a more natural system, that of determining zoological regions, not by any arbitrary or a priori consideration but by studying the actual ranges of the more important groups of animals, is due to Mr. Sclater (Wallace 1876, vol. 1, pp. 52–53).
Wallace’s revision of Sclater’s regions is perhaps the most significant of all the geographical classification of the 19th century as it unified zoogeography under a single classification. Even though there were certain disagreements over terminology (see Ebach 2015), the areas have withstood the test of time, with the same divisions appearing in the 21st century studies (e.g. Holt et al. 2013; Morrone 2015). Regardless of its popularity today, the Sclater–Wallacean areas and the whole notion of topographical zoogeography were challenged as “essentially static” and “wrong”. “Instead of thinking of fixed regions, it is necessary to think of fluid faunas” (Mayr 1946, p. 5). For the newly developing field of population genetics and the Modern Synthesis, “zoogeography has had a similar fate very much like taxonomy. It was flourishing during the descriptive period of biological sciences. Its prestige, however, declined rapidly” (Mayr 1944, p. 1). Taxonomy apparently had run its course. Long live populations!