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1.7 Finite Element Procedure and Fluid–Structure Interaction
ОглавлениеBlood flow in aorta has a time‐dependent 3D flow, so the time‐dependent and full three‐dimensional Navier–Stokes equations were solved. The laminar flow condition appropriate for this type of analysis [107] was used. The finite element code was validated using the analytical solution for shear stress and velocities through the curved tube [108]. A penalty formulation will be used [109]. The incremental–iterative form of the equations for time step and equilibrium iteration “i” is:
The left upper index “t + Δt” denotes that the quantities are evaluated at the end of time step. The matrix Mv is mass matrix, Kvv and Jvv are convective matrices, Kμv is the viscous matrix, Kvp is the pressure matrix, and Fv and Fp are forcing vectors. The pressure is eliminated at the element level through the static condensation. For the penalty formulation, the incompressibility constraint is defined in the following manner:
where λ is a relatively large positive scalar so that p/λ is a small number (practically zero).