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Prefixes and Suffixes
ОглавлениеPrefix: A prefix is positioned at the beginning of a word to modify or change its meaning. ‘Pre’ means ‘before’. Prefixes may also indicate a location, number or time.
Suffix: The ending part of a word that changes the meaning of the word.
a‐, an‐ | not, without | analgesic, apathy |
ab‐ | from; away from | abduction |
abdomin(o)‐ | of or relating to the abdomen | abdomen |
a.c. | ante cibum | before food |
acous(io)‐ | of or relating to hearing | acoumeter, acoustician |
acr(o)‐ | extremity, topmost | acrocrany, acromegaly, acroosteolysis, acroposthia |
ad‐ | at, increase, on, toward | adduction |
aden(o)‐, aden(i)‐ | of or relating to a gland | adenocarcinoma, adenology, adenotome, adenotyphus |
adip(o)‐ | of or relating to fat or fatty tissue | adipocyte |
ad lib. | ad libitum | to the desired amount |
adren(o)‐ | of or relating to adrenal glands | adrenal artery |
‐aemia | blood condition | anaemia |
aer(o)‐ | air, gas | aerosinusitis |
‐aesthesi(o)‐ | sensation | anaesthesia |
alb‐ | denoting a white or pale colour | albino |
‐alge(si)‐ | pain | analgesic |
‐algia, ‐alg(i)o‐ | pain | myalgia |
all(o‐) | denoting something as different, or as an addition | alloantigen, allopathy |
ambi‐ | denoting something as positioned on both sides | ambidextrous |
amni‐ | pertaining to the membranous fetus sac (amnion) | amniocentesis |
ana‐ | back, again, up | anaplasia |
andr(o)‐ | pertaining to a man | android, andrology |
angi(o)‐ | blood vessel | angiogram |
ankyl(o)‐, ancyl(o)‐ | denoting something as crooked or bent | ankylosis |
ante‐ | describing something as positioned in front of another thing | antepartum |
anti‐ | describing something as ‘against’ or ‘opposed to’ another | antibody, antipsychotic |
arteri(o)‐ | of or pertaining to an artery | arteriole, arterial |
arthr(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the joints, limbs | arthritis |
articul(o)‐ | joint | articulation |
‐ase | enzyme | lactase |
‐asthenia | weakness | myasthenia gravis |
ather(o)‐ | fatty deposit, soft gruel‐like deposit | atherosclerosis |
atri(o)‐ | an atrium (especially heart atrium) | atrioventricular |
aur(i)‐ | of or pertaining to the ear | aural |
aut(o)‐ | self | autoimmune |
axill‐ | of or pertaining to the armpit (uncommon as a prefix) | axilla |
b.d. or b.i.d. | bis in die | twice a day |
bi‐ | twice, double | binary |
bio‐ | life | biology |
blephar(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the eyelid | blepharoplast |
brachi(o)‐ | of or relating to the arm | brachium of inferior colliculus |
brady‐ | slow | bradycardia |
bronch(i)‐ | bronchus | bronchiolitis obliterans |
bucc(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the cheek | buccolabial |
burs(o)‐ | bursa (fluid sac between the bones) | bursitis |
c. | cum | with |
carcin(o)‐ | cancer | carcinoma |
cardi(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the heart | cardiology |
carp(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the wrist | carpopedal |
‐cele | pouching, hernia | hydrocele, varicocele |
‐centesis | surgical puncture for aspiration | amniocentesis |
cephal(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the head (as a whole) | cephalalgy |
cerebell(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the cerebellum | cerebellum |
cerebr(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the brain | cerebrology |
chem(o)‐ | chemistry, drug | chemotherapy |
chol(e)‐ | of or pertaining to bile | cholecystitis |
cholecyst(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the gallbladder | cholecystectomy |
chondr(i)o‐ | cartilage, gristle, granule, granular | chondrocalcinosis |
chrom(ato)‐ | colour | haemochromatosis |
‐cidal, ‐cide | killing, destroying | bacteriocidal |
cili‐ | of or pertaining to the cilia, the eyelashes | ciliary |
circum‐ | denoting something as ‘around’ another | circumcision |
col(o)‐, colono‐ | colon | colonoscopy |
colp(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the vagina | colposcopy |
contra‐ | against | contraindicate |
coron(o)‐ | crown | coronary |
cost(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the ribs | costochondral |
crani(o)‐ | belonging or relating to the cranium | craniology |
‐crine, ‐crin(o)‐ | to secrete | endocrine |
cry(o)‐ | cold | cryoablation |
cutane‐ | skin | subcutaneous |
cyan(o)‐ | denotes a blue colour | cyanosis |
cyst(o)‐, cyst(i)‐ | of or pertaining to the urinary bladder | cystotomy |
cyt(o)‐ | cell | cytokine |
‐cyte | cell | leukocyte |
‐dactyl(o)‐ | of or pertaining to a finger, toe | dactylology, polydactyly |
dent‐ | of or pertaining to teeth | dentist |
dermat(o)‐, derm(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the skin | dermatology |
‐desis | binding | arthrodesis |
dextr(o)‐ | right, on the right side | dextrocardia |
di‐ | two | diplopia |
dia‐ | through, during, across | dialysis |
dif‐ | apart, separation | different |
digit‐ | of or pertaining to the finger (rare as a root) | digit |
‐dipsia | suffix meaning ‘(condition of) thirst’ | polydipsia, hydroadipsia, oligodipsia |
dors(o)‐, dors(i)‐ | of or pertaining to the back | dorsal, dorsocephalad |
duodeno‐ | duodenum | duodenal atresia |
dynam(o)‐ | force, energy, power | hand strength dynamometer |
‐dynia | pain | vulvodynia |
dys‐ | bad, difficult, defective, abnormal | dysphagia, dysphasia |
ec‐ | out, away | ectopia, ectopic pregnancy |
‐ectasia, ‐ectasis | expansion, dilation | bronchiectasis, telangiectasia |
ect(o)‐ | outer, outside | ectoblast, ectoderm |
‐ectomy | denotes a surgical operation or removal of a body part; resection, excision | mastectomy |
‐emesis | vomiting condition | haematemesis |
encephal(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the brain; also see cerebr(o)‐ | encephalogram |
endo‐ | denotes something as ‘inside’ or ‘within’ | endocrinology, endospore |
enter(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the intestine | gastroenterology |
eosin(o)‐ | red | eosinophil granulocyte |
epi‐ | on, upon | epicardium, epidermis, epidural, episclera, epistaxis |
erythr(o)‐ | denotes a red colour | erythrocyte |
ex‐ | out of, away from | excision, exophthalmos |
exo‐ | denotes something as ‘outside’ another | exoskeleton |
extra‐ | outside | extradural haematoma |
faci(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the face | facioplegic |
fibr(o) | fibre | fibroblast |
fore‐ | before or ahead | forehead |
fossa | a hollow or depressed area; trench or channel | fossa ovalis |
front‐ | of or pertaining to the forehead | frontonasal |
galact(o)‐ | milk | galactorrhea |
gastr(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the stomach | gastric bypass |
‐genic | formative, pertaining to producing | cardiogenic shock |
gingiv‐ | of or pertaining to the gums | gingivitis |
glauc(o)‐ | denoting a grey or bluish‐grey colour | glaucoma |
gloss(o)‐, glott(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the tongue | glossology |
gluco‐ | sweet | glucocorticoid |
glyc(o)‐ | sugar | glycolysis |
‐gnosis | knowledge | diagnosis, prognosis |
gon(o)‐ | seed, semen; also, reproductive | gonorrhoea |
‐gram, ‐gramme | record or picture | angiogram |
‐graph | instrument used to record data or picture | electrocardiograph |
‐graphy | process of recording | angiography |
gyn(ec)o‐ | woman | gynecomastia |
haemangi(o)‐ | blood vessels | haemangioma |
haemat(o)‐, haem‐ | of or pertaining to blood | haematology |
halluc‐ | to wander in mind | hallucinosis |
hemi‐ | one half | cerebral hemisphere |
hepat‐ (hepatic‐) | of or pertaining to the liver | hepatology |
heter(o)‐ | denotes something as ‘the other’ (of two), as an addition, or different | heterogeneous |
hist(o)‐, histio‐ | tissue | histology |
home(o)‐ | similar | homeopathy |
hom(o)‐ | denotes something as ‘the same’ as another or common | homosexuality |
hydr(o)‐ | water | hydrophobe |
hyper‐ | denotes something as ‘extreme’ or ‘beyond normal’ | hypertension |
hyp(o)‐ | denotes something as ‘below normal’ | hypovolemia |
hyster(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the womb, the uterus | hysterectomy, hysteria |
iatr(o)‐ | of or pertaining to medicine, or a physician | iatrogenic |
‐iatry | denotes a field in medicine of a certain body component | podiatry, psychiatry |
‐ics | organised knowledge, treatment | obstetrics |
ileo‐ | ileum | ileocecal valve |
infra‐ | below | infrahyoid muscles |
inter‐ | between, among | interarticular ligament |
intra‐ | within | intramural |
ipsi‐ | same | ipsilateral hemiparesis |
ischio‐ | of or pertaining to the ischium, the hip joint | ischioanal fossa |
‐ismus | spasm, contraction | hemiballismus |
iso‐ | denoting something as being ‘equal’ | isotonic |
‐ist | one who specialises in | pathologist |
‐itis | inflammation | tonsillitis |
‐ium | structure, tissue | pericardium |
juxta‐ (iuxta‐) | near to, alongside or next to | juxtaglomerular apparatus |
karyo‐ | nucleus | eukaryote |
kerat(o)‐ | cornea (eye or skin) | keratoscope |
kin(ae)‐, kin(o)‐, kinesi(o)‐ | movement | kinaesthesia |
kyph(o)‐ | humped | kyphoscoliosis |
labi(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the lip | labiodental |
lacrim(o)‐ | tear | lacrimal canaliculi |
lact(i)‐, lact(o) | milk | lactation |
lapar(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the abdomen wall, flank | laparotomy |
laryng(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the larynx, the lower throat cavity where the voice box is | larynx |
latero‐ | lateral | lateral pectoral nerve |
‐lepsis, ‐lepsy | attack, seizure | epilepsy, narcolepsy |
lept(o)‐ | light, slender | leptomeningeal |
leuc(o)‐, leuk(o)‐ | denoting a white colour | leukocyte |
lingu(a)‐, lingu(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the tongue | linguistics |
lip(o)‐ | fat | liposuction |
lith(o)‐ | stone, calculus | lithotripsy |
‐logist | denotes someone who studies a certain field | oncologist, pathologist |
log(o)‐ | speech | logopedics |
‐logy | denotes the academic study or practice of a certain field | haematology, urology |
lymph(o)‐ | lymph | lymphedema |
lys(o)‐, ‐lytic | dissolution | lysosome |
‐lysis | destruction, separation | paralysis |
macr(o)‐ | large, long | macrophage |
‐malacia | softening | osteomalacia |
mammill(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the nipple | mammillitis |
mamm(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the breast | mammogram |
manu‐ | of or pertaining to the hand | manufacture |
mast(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the breast | mastectomy |
meg(a)‐, megal(o)‐, ‐megaly | enlargement, million | splenomegaly, megametre |
melan(o)‐ | black colour | melanin |
mening(o)‐ | membrane | meningitis |
meta‐ | after, behind | metacarpus |
‐meter | instrument used to measure or count | sphygmomanometer |
metr(o)‐ | pertaining to conditions of the uterus | metrorrhagia |
‐metry | process of measuring | optometry |
micro‐ | denoting something as small, or relating to smallness | microscope |
milli‐ | thousandth | millilitre |
mon(o)‐ | single | infectious mononucleosis |
morph(o)‐ | form, shape | morphology |
muscul(o)‐ | muscle | musculoskeletal system |
my(o)‐ | of or relating to muscle | myoblast |
myc(o)‐ | fungus | onychomycosis |
myel(o)‐ | of or relating to bone marrow or spinal cord | myeloblast |
myri‐ | ten thousand | myriad |
myring(o)‐ | eardrum | myringotomy |
narc(o)‐ | numb, sleep | narcolepsy |
nas(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the nose | nasal |
necr(o)‐ | death | necrosis, necrotising fasciitis |
neo‐ | new | neoplasm |
nephr(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the kidney | nephrology |
neur(i)‐, neur(o)‐ | of or pertaining to nerves and the nervous system | neurofibromatosis |
normo‐ | normal | normocapnia |
ocul(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the eye | oculist |
odont(o)‐ | of or pertaining to teeth | orthodontist |
odyn(o)‐ | pain | stomatodynia |
‐esophageal, esophag(o)‐ | gullet | gastroesophageal reflux |
‐oid | resemblance to | sarcoidosis |
‐ole | small or little | arteriole |
olig(o)‐ | denoting something as ‘having little, having few’ | oliguria |
o.m. | omni mane | every morning |
‐oma (sing.), ‐omata (pl.) | tumour, mass, collection | sarcoma, teratoma |
o.n. | omni nocte | every night |
onco‐ | tumour, bulk, volume | oncology |
onych(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the nail (of a finger or toe) | onychophagy |
oo‐ | of or pertaining to an egg, a woman’s egg, the ovum | oogenesis |
oophor(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the woman’s ovary | oophorectomy |
ophthalm(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the eye | ophthalmology |
optic(o)‐ | of or relating to chemical properties of the eye | opticochemical |
orchi(o)‐, orchid(o)‐, orch(o)‐ | testis | orchiectomy, orchidectomy |
‐osis | a condition, disease or increase | ichthyosis, psychosis, osteoporosis |
osseo‐ | bony | osseous |
ossi‐ | bone | peripheral ossifying fibroma |
ost(e)‐, oste(o)‐ | bone | osteoporosis |
ot(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the ear | otology |
ovo‐, ovi‐, ov‐ | of or pertaining to the eggs, the ovum | ovogenesis |
pachy‐ | thick | pachyderma |
paed‐, paedo‐ | of or pertaining to the child | paediatrics |
palpebr‐ | of or pertaining to the eyelid (uncommon as a root) | palpebra |
pan‐, pant(o)‐ | denoting something as ‘complete’ or containing ‘everything’ | panophobia, panopticon |
papill‐ | of or pertaining to the nipple (of the chest/breast) | papillitis |
papul(o)‐ | indicates papulosity, a small elevation or swelling in the skin, a pimple, swelling | papulation |
para‐ | alongside of, abnormal | paracyesis |
‐paresis | slight paralysis | hemiparesis |
parvo‐ | small | parvovirus |
path(o)‐ | disease | pathology |
‐pathy | denotes (with a negative sense) a disease, or disorder | sociopathy, neuropathy |
p.c. | post cibum | after food |
pector‐ | breast | pectoralgia, pectoriloquy, pectorophony |
ped‐, ‐ped‐, ‐pes | of or pertaining to the foot; ‐footed | pedoscope |
pelv(i)‐, pelv(o)‐ | hip bone | pelvis |
‐penia | deficiency | osteopenia |
‐pepsia | denotes something relating to digestion, or the digestive tract | dyspepsia |
peri‐ | denoting something with a position ‘surrounding’ or ‘around’ another | periodontal |
‐pexy | fixation | nephropexy |
phaco‐ | lens‐shaped | phacolysis, phacometer, phacoscotoma |
‐phage, ‐phagia | forms terms denoting conditions relating to eating or ingestion | sarcophagia |
‐phago‐ | eating, devouring | phagocyte |
‐phagy | forms nouns that denote ‘feeding on’ the first element or part of the word | haematophagy |
pharmaco‐ | drug, medication | pharmacology |
pharyng(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the pharynx, the upper throat cavity | pharyngitis, pharyngoscopy |
phleb(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein | phlebography, phlebotomy |
‐phobia | exaggerated fear, sensitivity | arachnophobia |
phon(o)‐ | sound | phonograph, symphony |
phot(o)‐ | of or pertaining to light | photopathy |
phren(i)‐, phren(o)‐, phrenico | the mind | phrenic nerve, schizophrenia |
‐plasia | formation, development | achondroplasia |
‐plasty | surgical repair, reconstruction | rhinoplasty |
‐plegia | paralysis | paraplegia |
pleio‐ | more, excessive, multiple | pleiomorphism |
pleur(o)‐, pleur(a) | of or pertaining to the ribs | pleurogenous |
‐plexy | stroke or seizure | cataplexy |
pneumat(o)‐ | air, lung | pneumatocele |
pneum(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the lungs | pneumonocyte, pneumonia |
‐poiesis | production | haematopoiesis |
poly‐ | denotes a ‘plurality’ of something | polymyositis |
post‐ | denotes something as ‘after’ or ‘behind’ another | post‐operation, post‐mortem |
pre‐ | denotes something as ‘before’ another (in [physical] position or time) | premature birth |
presby(o)‐ | old age | presbyopia |
prim‐ | denotes something as ‘first’ or ‘most important’ | primary |
p.r.n. | pro re nata | whenever necessary |
proct(o)‐ | anus, rectum | proctology |
prot(o)‐ | denotes something as ‘first’ or ‘most important’ | protoneuron |
pseud(o)‐ | denotes something false or fake | pseudoephedrine |
psor‐ | itching | psoriasis |
psych(e)‐, psych(o) | of or pertaining to the mind | psychology, psychiatry |
‐ptosis | falling, drooping, downward placement, prolapse | apoptosis, nephroptosis |
‐ptysis | (a spitting), spitting, haemoptysis, the spitting of blood derived from the lungs or bronchial tubes | haemoptysis |
pulmon‐, pulmo‐ | of or relating to the lungs | pulmonary |
pyel(o)‐ | pelvis | pyelonephritis |
py(o)‐ | pus | pyometra |
pyr(o)‐ | fever | antipyretic |
q.d. | quaque die | every day |
q.d.s. | quaque die sumendum | four times daily |
q.i.d. | quater in die | four times daily |
q.q.h. | quater quaque hora | every four hours |
quadr(i)‐ | four | quadriceps |
R. | recipe | Take |
radio‐ | radiation | radiowave |
ren(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the kidney | renal |
retro‐ | backward, behind | retroversion, retroverted |
rhin(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the nose | rhinoplasty |
rhod(o)‐ | denoting a rose‐red colour | rhodophyte |
‐rrhage | burst forth | haemorrhage |
‐rrhagia | rapid flow of blood | menorrhagia |
‐rrhaphy | surgical suturing | nephrorrhaphy |
‐rrhexis | rupture | karyorrhexis |
‐rrhea | flowing, discharge | diarrhoea |
‐rupt | break or burst | erupt, interrupt |
salping(o)‐ | of or pertaining to tubes, e.g. Fallopian tubes | salpingectomy, salpingopharyngeus muscle |
sangui‐, sanguine‐ | of or pertaining to blood | exsanguination |
sarco‐ | muscular, flesh‐like | sarcoma |
scler(o)‐ | hard | scleroderma |
‐sclerosis | hardening | atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis |
scoli(o)‐ | twisted | scoliosis |
‐scope | instrument for viewing | stethoscope |
‐scopy | use of instrument for viewing | endoscopy |
semi‐ | one half, partly | semiconscious |
sial(o)‐ | saliva, salivary gland | sialagogue |
sigmoid(o)‐ | sigmoid, S‐shaped curvature | sigmoid colon |
sinistr(o)‐ | left, left side | sinistrocardia |
sinus‐ | of or pertaining to the sinus | sinusitis |
somat(o)‐, somatico‐ | body, bodily | somatic |
s.o.s. | si opus sit | if necessary |
‐spadias | slit, fissure | hypospadias, epispadias |
spasmo‐ | spasm | spasmodic dysphonia |
sperma(to)‐, spermo‐ | semen, spermatozoa | spermatogenesis |
splen(o)‐ | spleen | splenectomy |
spondyl(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the spine, the vertebra | spondylitis |
squamos(o)‐ | denoting something as ‘full of scales’ or ‘scaly’ | squamous cell |
stat. | statim | at once |
‐stalsis | contraction | peristalsis |
‐stasis | stopping, standing | cytostasis, homeostasis |
‐staxis | dripping, trickling | epistaxis |
sten(o)‐ | denoting something as ‘narrow in shape’ or pertaining to narrowness | stenography |
‐stenosis | abnormal narrowing in a blood vessel or other tubular organ or structure | restenosis, stenosis |
stomat(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the mouth | stomatogastric, stomatognathic system |
‐stomy | creation of an opening | colostomy |
sub‐ | beneath | subcutaneous tissue |
super‐ | in excess, above, superior | superior vena cava |
supra‐ | above, excessive | supraorbital vein |
tachy‐ | denoting something as fast, irregularly fast | tachycardia |
‐tension, ‐tensive | pressure | hypertension |
t.d.s. | ter die sumendum | three times daily |
tetan‐ | rigid, tense | tetanus |
thec‐ | case, sheath | intrathecal |
therap‐ | treatment | hydrotherapy, therapeutic |
therm(o)‐ | heat | thermometer |
t.i.d. | ter in die | three times daily |
thorac(i)‐, thorac(o)‐, thoracico‐ | of or pertaining to the upper chest, chest; the area above the breast and under the neck | thorax |
thromb(o)‐ | of or relating to a blood clot, clotting of blood | thrombus, thrombocytopenia |
thyr(o)‐ | thyroid | thyrocele |
thym‐ | emotions | dysthymia |
‐tome | cutting instrument | osteotome |
‐tomy | act of cutting; incising, incision | gastrotomy |
tono‐ | tone, tension, pressure | tonometer |
‐tony | tension | |
top(o)‐ | place, topical | topical anaesthetic |
tort(i)‐ | twisted | torticollis |
tox(i)‐, tox(o)‐, toxic(o)‐ | toxin, poison | toxoplasmosis |
trache(a)‐ | trachea | tracheotomy |
trachel(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the neck | tracheloplasty |
trans‐ | denoting something as moving or situated ‘across’ or ‘through’ | transfusion |
tri‐ | three | triangle |
trich(i)‐, trichia, trich(o)‐ | of or pertaining to hair, hair‐like structure | trichocyst |
‐tripsy | crushing | lithotripsy |
‐trophy | nourishment, development | pseudohypertrophy |
tympan(o)‐ | eardrum | tympanocentesis |
‐ula, ‐ule | small | nodule |
ultra‐ | beyond, excessive | ultrasound |
un(i)‐ | one | unilateral hearing loss |
ur(o)‐ | of or pertaining to urine, the urinary system; (specifically) pertaining to the physiological chemistry of urine | urology |
uter(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the uterus or womb | uterus |
vagin‐ | of or pertaining to the vagina | vagina |
varic(o)‐ | swollen or twisted vein | varicose |
vasculo‐ | blood vessel | vasculotoxicity |
vas(o)‐ | duct, blood vessel | vasoconstriction |
ven‐ | of or pertaining to the (blood) veins, a vein (used in terms pertaining to the vascular system) | vein, venospasm |
ventricul(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the ventricles; any hollow region inside an organ | cardiac ventriculography |
ventr(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the belly; the stomach cavities | ventrodorsal |
‐version | turning | anteversion, retroversion |
vesic(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the bladder | vesical arteries |
viscer(o)‐ | of or pertaining to the internal organs, the viscera | viscera |
xanth(o)‐ | denoting a yellow colour, an abnormally yellow colour | xanthopathy |
xen(o)‐ | foreign, different | xenograft |
xer(o)‐ | dry, desert‐like | xerostomia |
zo(o)‐ | animal, animal life | zoology |
zym(o)‐ | fermentation | enzyme, lysozyme |