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2.1.2 Prediction of Corrosion


We obviously need to know when corrosion happens, as this will enable us to prepare ourselves with the upcoming event and try to manage it as much as possible, in the best way achievable. As we have mentioned earlier, this is not a textbook about corrosion, and therefore many of the concepts that would have been covered in length in those books will be treated in the most practical approach possible to make these concepts as understandable for a corrosion specialist as possible.

There are mainly three tools that can be used to help us predict corrosion, in other words, to let us determine anodic and cathodic reactions and therefore find out about the possibility of corrosion.

These tools are:

1 standard hydrogen electrode scale (SHE)

2 galvanic series

3 Roubaix diagrams

By using these tools, it is possible to find out what chemical reactions can be considered as anodic and therefore giving off their extra electrons, and which reactions can be cathodic reactions to receive and gain those electrons. Obviously, the substrate on which these reactions will take place is a metallic surface (to allow electron transfer), and the environment will be water or water containing (the necessary electrolyte for ionic transfer).

Corrosion Policy Decision Making

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