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Dr. M. Hadi Amini is an assistant professor at the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University. He is the director of Sustainability, Optimization, and Learning for InterDependent networks laboratory (www.solidlab.network). He received his PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University in 2019, where he received his MSc degree in 2015. He also holds a doctoral degree in computer science and technology. Prior to that, he received an MSc degree from Tarbiat Modares University in 2013, and the BSc degree from Sharif University of Technology in 2011. His research interests include distributed optimization and learning algorithms, distributed computing and intelligence, sensor networks, interdependent networks, and cyber‐physical‐social resilience. Application domains include smart cities, energy systems, transportation electrification, and healthcare. Prof. Amini is a member of ACM and IEEE, and life member of IEEE-ETA KAPPA NU (IEEE-HKN), the honor society of IEEE. He served as president of Carnegie Mellon University Energy Science and Innovation Club; as technical program committee of several IEEE and ACM conferences; and as the lead editor for a book series on SUSTAINABLE INTERDEPENDENT NETWORKS since 2017. He also serves as ASSOCIATE EDITOR OF FRONTIERS IN COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKS (DATA SCIENCE FOR COMMUNICATIONS), SN OPERATIONS RESEARCH FORUM, and INTERNATIONAL TRANSACTIONS ON ELECTRICAL ENERGY SYSTEMS. He has published more than 100 refereed journal and conference papers, and book chapters. He edited/authored seven books. He is the recipient of EXCELLENCE IN TEACHING AWARD from the Knight Foundation School of Computing and Information Sciences at Florida International University in 2020, the best paper award from 2019 IEEE Conference on Computational Science & Computational Intelligence, best reviewer award from four IEEE Transactions, the best journal paper award in Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, and the dean's honorary award from the President of Sharif University of Technology. (Homepage: www.hadiamini.com; Lab website: www.solidlab.network).

Dr. Miadreza Shafie‐khah received his MSc and first PhD in electrical engineering from Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran. He received his second PhD in electromechanical engineering and first postdoc from the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilha, Portugal. He received his second postdoc from the University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy. Currently, he is an associate professor at the University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland. He is also the guest editor‐in‐chief of IEEE OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY, and associate editor of journals “IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY,” “IEEE POWER ENGINEERING LETTERS,” “IEEE SYSTEMS JOURNAL,” “IEEE ACCESS,” “IEEE OPEN ACCESS JOURNAL OF POWER AND ENERGY,” “IET RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION,” and the guest editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CLOUD COMPUTING in Demand Response Applications of Cloud Computing Technologies, and the guest editor of more than 14 special issues. He was considered one of the outstanding reviewers of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SUSTAINABLE ENERGY, in 2014 and 2017, one of the best reviewers of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, in 2016 and 2017, and one of the outstanding reviewers of the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER SYSTEMS, in 2017 and 2018, and one of the outstanding reviewers of IEEE OAJPE, in 2020. He is a senior member of IEEE since 2017 and has coauthored more than 440 papers that received more than 8400 citations with an h‐index equal to 51. He is also the volume editor of the book “Blockchain‐based Smart Grids,” Elsevier, 2020. He is a top scientist in the Guide2Research Ranking in computer science and electronics, and he has won five Best Paper Awards at IEEE Conferences. His research interests include power market simulation, market power monitoring, power system optimization, demand response, electric vehicles, and price and renewable forecasting and smart grids.

Cyberphysical Smart Cities Infrastructures

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