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List of Illustrations
Оглавление1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Map of the Congo Basin. See Alsdorf et al. (2016) for details. Cr...Photo 1.1 View of the Congo River and research boat in the Cuvette Centrale....Photo 1.2 Several chapter authors have collected new measurements on Congo B...Photo 1.3 International collaborations are welcome in the Congo. Photo taken...Photo 1.4 Waterways are major transportation routes in the Congo. Photo is t...Photo 1.5 Rivers serve commerce at small scales such as this boat. See Photo...Photo 1.6 Rivers serve commerce at large scales such as this boat moving log...Photo 1.7 The Inga Dam. The Congo River is in the background. The canal in t...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Climatology of rainfall regimes from CHIRPS (Funk et al., 2015) a...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Depiction of topography over the Congo Basin and surrounding regi...Figure 3.2 Schematic of the Congo Basin cell, the “pseudo” Central Africa ce...Figure 3.3 Vertical profiles of omega (hPa/s × 10–2, negative values =...Figure 3.4 The African Easterly Jet‐South: mean wind (m/s) at 600 hPa during...Figure 3.5 Mean vertical motion (omega: hPa/s × 10–2) in SON at 850 hP...Figure 3.6 Gauge network around the Congo Basin in four time periods (from N...Figure 3.7 Maps of rainfall (mm/mo) for March, based on nine satellite produ...Figure 3.8 Interannual variability of rainfall (mm/yr) over the central Cong...Figure 3.9 (a) Mean annual rainfall (mm) based on gauge data for the period ...Figure 3.10 Percent concentration of rainfall in the wettest quarter of the ...Figure 3.11 The seasonal cycle of rainfall, with bar graphs indicating mean ...Figure 3.12 Mean rainfall (mm/mo) for the driest three‐month season based on...Figure 3.13 Months of maximum rainfall (left) and minimum rainfall (right), ...Figure 3.14 The diurnal cycle of rainfall over the Congo Basin based on TRMM...Figure 3.15 Correlation of annual values of regional rainfall (delineated by...Figure 3.16 Inter‐station correlation during the period 1930 to 1989 as a fu...Figure 3.17 The coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by the ...Figure 3.18 Location of six multi‐region sectors for which interannual varia...Figure 3.19 (a) Interannual variability of rainfall for three of the sectors...Figure 3.20 AMJ rainfall trends 1985 to 2012 for the individual regions in a...Figure 3.21 Spatial patterns of linear trend per decade (1985 to 2012) and r...Figure 3.22 Five‐year averages of (left) relative number of MCSs per year an...Figure 3.23 Five‐year averages of relative number of lightning flashes per y...Figure 3.24 Diurnal cycle of convection: annual average of the relative numb...Figure 3.25 Interannual variability of select characteristics of MCSs over t...Figure 3.26 Mean rainfall (mm/mo)over the Amazon based on TRMM 3B43 V7 for t...Figure 3.27 The diurnal cycle of rainfall over the Amazon, as in Figure 3.14...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 Topography (m) of the simulation domain (17.5°S–17.5°N, 30°W–80°E...Figure 4.2 Seasonal means of the surface air temperature (T2m °C) for the pe...Figure 4.3 Bias of mean seasonal surface air temperature (T2m °C) for the pe...Figure 4.4 Seasonal means of rainfall in mm/day for the period 2001–2006: GP...Figure 4.5 Seasonal mean biases of precipitation in mm/day for the period 20...Figure 4.6 Taylor diagrams for area‐averaged seasonal precipitation over Nor...Figure 4.7 Seasonal cycle of rainfall (a–d) and temperatures (e–h) in the fo...Figure 4.8 Spatial and seasonal distributions at 925 hPa of zonal wind in co...Figure 4.9 Spatial and seasonal distributions at 200 hPa of zonal wind in co...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Spatiotemporal SPEI patterns of the Congo basin using 12‐month gr...Figure 5.2 Estimated areas affected by various drought intensities (extreme,...Figure 5.3 Spatial distribution of trends in GRACE‐derived TWS (2002–2017) o...Figure 5.4 Aerial averaged temporal series of TWS (2002–2017) estimated from...Figure 5.5 Leading modes of TWS (2002–2017) over the Congo basin. Averaged s...Figure 5.6 Assessing climate influence on surface water hydrology over the C...Figure 5.7 Modeling the temporal dynamics of Congo River discharge (1980–201...Figure 5.8 Surface water storage over the Congo Basin during the extreme dro...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Topographic map of the Ubangi basin at Mobaye, and of the hydropl...Figure 6.2 Vegetation map of the Ubangi basin at Mobaye, the geological bedr...Figure 6.3 Rainfall index and flow index of the Ubangi basin at Mobaye, 1938...Figure 6.4 Rainfall index of upstream basins of the Ubangi at Mobaye, from 1...Figure 6.5 Hydrologic index from 1948 to 1995 for the hydrological basins of...Figure 6.6 Comparative interannual evolution of the runoff (LE) of the Ubang...Figure 6.7 Interannual evolution of river depletion coefficient from the Uba...Figure 6.8 Relationship of water runoff as a function of the precipitated wa...Figure 6.9 Decennial evolution of runoff coefficients (CE) from the Ubangi a...Figure 6.10 Relationship between the runoff coefficient (CE) and the rate of...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Study domain with the five agroecological zones in Cameroon. The ...Figure 7.2 (a) Study domain (Cameroon) with the Congo Basin (solid red line)...Figure 7.3 Mean monthly accumulated (mm) rainfall for different stations. St...Figure 7.4 Mean annual correlation for the mentioned stations.Figure 7.5 Mean annual biases (mm/year) over the available data period for d...Figure 7.6 Mean monthly tropical rain belt position over Cameroon for the pe...Figure 7.7 Daily time series of accumulated rainfall over Maroua, Garoua, an...Figure 7.8 Daily time series of accumulated rainfall over Bertoua, Douala, a...Figure 7.9 Categorical indices for daily rainfall and linear regression fitt...Figure 7.10 Sensitivity of categorical indices (a: BIAS [frequency bias], b:...Figure 7.11 Interannual Hovmöller diagrams of the monthly accumulated convec...Figure 7.12 Spatiotemporal distribution of the 90th percentile of the monthl...Figure 7.13 Same as Figure 7.12, but for 3B43.Figure 7.14 Correlation, mean absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (...
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Congo Basin: a) situation of the Congo Basin and the five main hy...Figure 8.2 Congo Basin and its main drainage subsystems. The sub‐basins stud...Figure 8.3 Topography of the Congo Basin and the flooded portion of the Cent...Figure 8.4 Sequencing of the reduced centered variables: (a) rainfall for th...Figure 8.5 Changes in mean daily hydrological regimes by homogeneous flow pe...Figure 8.6 Comparison of hydrological regimes of the seven main drainage ent...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Study region showing the Congo Basin. The Congo River and its num...Figure 9.2 Relationship between GPCC and CRU‐based precipitation over the Co...Figure 9.3 Spatial distribution of GPCC‐based precipitation (mm) over the Co...Figure 9.4 Analysis of (a) trends (mm/yr) and harmonic components (mean annu...Figure 9.5 Spatial and temporal variability in the Congo Basin rainfall (mm)...Figure 9.6 Spatial and temporal variability in the Congo basin rainfall (mm)...Figure 9.7 Spatial distribution of trends (mm/yr) in (a) annual and (b) maxi...Figure 9.8 Dominant modes of river discharge time series of the Congo river ...Figure 9.9 Interannual variations and cumulative departures of rainfall and ...Figure 9.10 Temporal relationship between rainfall and discharge during 1903...Figure 9.11 Localized rainfall (mm) over the Congo Basin (1991–2010). The in...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Geographical location of the Congo River Basin showing river net...Figure 10.2 The spatial distribution of monthly (a) precipitation and (b) te...Figure 10.3 The land‐use and land cover distribution in the Congo River Basi...Figure 10.4 Change in land cover in the Congo River Basin between 1992–2003 ...Figure 10.5 Change in land cover in the Qubangui and Middle Congo regions be...Figure 10.6 Spatial variation in daily precipitation for historical (1950–20...Figure 10.7 Spatial variation in the daily temperature for historical (1950–...Figure 10.8 Results of land cover change analyses. (a) Spatial maps of ET de...Figure 10.9 Spatial maps of terrestrial water storage change (TWSC) from GRA...Figure 10.10 Variation in the ensemble mean of monthly total water storage c...Figure 10.11 Comparisons of total water storage anomalies (TWSAs) and MPDSI....Figure 10.12 Historical drought conditions in the Congo Basin. (a) Time seri...Figure 10.13 Historical drought conditions in the Congo Basin. (a, b) Time s...Figure 10.14 Water budget changes between historical (1956–2005) and future ...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Geographic location of the CRB and the Land cover in 2003 with a...Figure 11.2 Geographical location of the CRB (green) and regions selected as...Figure 11.3 Temporal evolution of the SPI (a) and SPEI (b) at time scales of...Figure 11.4 Trends of (a) SPEI‐1 and (b) SPEI‐12 from 1981–2018. Significant...Figure 11.5 Contribution (%) of climatological moisture to precipitation ove...Figure 11.6 Temporal correlations between monthly anomalies of │(E – P) < 0│...Figure 11.7 Monthly anomalies of the contributions of moisture from the AO (...Figure 11.8 Scatterplot: anomalies in moisture contributed from the (a) AO, ...Figure 11.9 Temporal evolution of the │(E – P) < 0│ anomalies computed over ...Figure 11.10 Trends of │(E – P) < 0│ calculated over the CRB for air masses ...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Congo Basin features.Figure 12.2 Distribution and hydrologic properties of the dominant soils in ...Figure 12.3 Conceptual dominant hydrologic processes for the CRB.Figure 12.4 Density of streamflow gauges in the CRB before the 1960s (left) ...Figure 12.5 Development of a WEAP application in the CRB (the water demand s...Figure 12.6 Magnitude of predictive uncertainty in model simulation at the r...Figure 12.7 Magnitude of predictive uncertainty in model simulation for high...Figure 12.8 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman and WEAP at ...Figure 12.9 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selected...Figure 12.10 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.11 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.12 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman and WEAP at...Figure 12.13 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.14 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman at K‐CB85 g...Figure 12.15 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.16 Observed and simulated monthly flows from GW‐Pitman for selecte...Figure 12.17 Spatial distributions of lakes and wetlands in the Lualaba drai...Figure 12.18 Observed and simulated flow volume from GW‐Pitman at L‐CB68 (ID...Figure 12.19 Observed and simulated flow volume from GW‐Pitman at L‐CB74 (ID...Figure 12.20 Observed and simulated streamflow volume using the wetland sub‐...Figure 12.21 Observed and simulated flow volume for the lower Lualaba gaugin...Figure 12.22 Observed and simulated flow volume from WEAP for the Kinshasa s...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Map of study area with eight wetlands along the Congo mainstem. ...Figure 13.2 Flux rates over each wetland. The shaded areas represent the unc...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Shuttle radar topography mission (SRTM) digital elevation model ...Figure 14.2 (a) Outline map of the Congo River basin showing the four main d...Figure 14.3 Main SWAT inputs showing (a) land uses, (b) soil classes, (c) di...Figure 14.4 Close up map of the Cuvette Centrale in the CRB wetlands showing...Figure 14.5 Envisat stage measurements compared with simulated and observed ...Figure 14.6 Maps of mean annual rainfall, interception, evapotranspiration, ...Figure 14.7 Hydrograph showing the observed and simulated discharge for the ...Figure 14.8 Pie chart showing the annual mean contribution of Cuvette Centra...Figure 14.9 Average monthly interannual hydrograph of flows in and out, prec...Figure 14.10 Relative interannual change in storage within the Cuvette Centr...Figure 14.11 Monthly averages of water balance components (in millimeters) w...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Location Plan showing field data, including sonar data input int...Figure 15.2 Preparation of estimated bathymetry model (EBM): (a) a channel d...Figure 15.3 Preparation of Observed bathymetry model (OBM): (a) raw sonar, a...Figure 15.4 Estimated bathymetry model (EBM) geometric validation: (a–e) plo...Figure 15.5 Modeled and observed bed elevations and velocities at ADCP trans...Figure 15.6 Summary of velocity prediction errors in both the EBM hydraulic ...Figure S15.1 Gaussian filter preliminary rest runs to smooth step changes in...Figure S15.2 Illustration of Gaussian filter applied to sonar data to remove...Figure S15.3 Sonar derived sections across a Primary Channel Thread (P1) and...Figure S15.4 Mean of sonar depth measurements at distance from bank interval...Figure S15.5 Illustration of adjusted channel depth calculation within a dep...Figure S15.6 Centrelines generated from Voronoi tessellations.Figure S15.7 Longitudinal plot of modeled WSEs for different terrain resolut...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Global rainfall estimates at 0.25° spatial resolution from the (...Figure 16.2 Congo River Basin with Pfafstetter level 1 hydrologic sub‐divisi...Figure 16.3 (a) Location of the station of interest (yellow square) and othe...Figure 16.4 Annual evaporation estimates (mm) for 2005 as produced by the GL...Figure 16.5 Three‐day satellite‐based soil moisture (m3/m3) information from...Figure 16.6 Results from the studies by Crowley et al. (2006) (a) and Syed e...Figure 16.7 Map showing the Congo basin regions selected in the detailed hyd...Figure 16.8 Slope and ICESat elevations for the middle reach of the Congo Ri...Figure 16.9 Measurements of changes in water level superimposed on SRTM elev...Figure 16.10 Time series of the Congo River discharge (m3/s) as derived from...Figure 16.11 Mean monthly flood area probability (2006–2008) in the Logone f...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 (a) Principles of SWOT measurement (Source: Yeosang Yoon/NASA); ...Figure 17.2 Principle of spatial altimetryFigure 17.3 Map of operating (red) and historical (green) stations.Figure 17.4 Comparison between the water heights estimated by altimetry with...Figure 17.5 Virtual stations currently available on Hydroweb for lake and ri...Figure 17.6 (a) Virtual stations on Hydroweb for lake and river monitoring; ...Figure 17.7 (a) 1961–2010 mean flows from the WBM base; (b) Longitudinal flo...Figure 17.8 Bathymetry calculated over the Congo.Figure 17.9 (a) Rating curves generated on the Congo; (b) Example of real‐ti...Figure 17.10 Overview of the model developed for CICOS.Figure 17.11 Electrification rates in sub‐Saharan AfricaFigure 17.12 Virtual stations and interannual mean rainfall over the Congo B...Figure 17.13 Map representation of the hydropower potential indicator over t...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Location of the gauges and virtual stations used in this study. ...Figure 18.2 (left) Mean annual precipitation rate for each catchment (legend...Figure 18.3 Comparison of simulated discharges with gauge discharge from int...Figure 18.4 Comparison between simulated water levels and satellite altimetr...Figure 18.5 Comparison between simulated flooded areas (upper panels) and ma...Figure 18.6 Focus on the Cuvette Centrale: simulated maximum water extent fr...Figure 18.7 Distribution of the rating curves extracted for the CRB. Squares...Figure 18.8 Upper panel: discharge at Mbata from different sources (simulate...Figure 18.9 Discharges from satellite altimetry at VS Ubangui_Jason_248 in t...Figure 18.10 Verification of the AMHG log‐linear relationship for four river...Figure 18.11 Longitudinal profile of the Congo River based on satellite alti...Figure 18.12 Upper panel: interest points for WSE conversion into discharge ...Figure S18.1 Location of the crossings at 1.5 days apart (red arrow) of the ...Figure S18.2 Comparison of climatology (monthly means) from satellite altime...Figure S18.3 Comparison of in‐situ discharge (black dashed line) and simulat...Figure S18.4 Comparison of observed (black dashed line) and simulated (red l...Figure S18.5 Participation of each zone to the discharge at Kinshasa/Brazzav...Figure S18.6 Spatial distribution of (left) peak flow trimester and (right) ...
19 Chapter 19Figure 19.1 Portes de l’Okanda in the Lopé national park.Figure 19.2 Topography and hydrographic network of the ORB. Topography data ...Figure 19.3 Annual average of rainfall in the ORB for the six decades observ...Figure 19.4 Time series of annual rainfall in the ORB (1940–1999). Annual ra...Figure 19.5 K‐means delineation of homogeneous rainfall zones in the ORB bas...Figure 19.6 Temporal variations of the standardized anomaly index of rainfal...Figure 19.7 Fall of Kongou on the Ivindo.Figure 19.8 Annual variations of the Ogooué River discharge at Lambaréné gau...Figure 19.9 Runoff coefficient of the ORB (1940–1990).Figure 19.10 Hydrographs of the Ogooué River discharge for decades from the ...Figure 19.11 Interannual variations of rainfall, river discharge and runoff ...Figure 19.12 Mean annual rainfall from SIEREM in both Ogooué river (white bo...Figure 19.13 SAI of both Ogooué River et Congo River basins between 1940 and...Figure 19.14 Standardized discharge anomalies for both Ogooué et Congo river...Figure 19.15 Hydrographs of the Ogooué River and the Congo River discharges ...
20 Chapter 20Figure 20.1 Map of the Amazon (left) and Congo (right) Basins. Rivers and oc...Figure 20.2 (a) Congo River at Kinshasa‐Brazzaville discharge (Q) (grey line...Figure 20.3 van Krevelen diagrams of molecular formulae derived from river s...Figure 20.4 Linear regression between ∆14C‐DOC and biodegradable dissolved o...
21 Chapter 21Figure 21.1 Map of Congo River showing 17,867 km of navigation channels (exc...Figure 21.2 Example of transport on the Congo River, composed of large barge...Figure 21.3 (a) Analysis location map with Bing aerial background; (b) Ouban...Figure 21.4 (a) The original map (showing Lukolela) by Reverend George Grenf...Figure 21.5 Schematic of geospatial analysis methodology.Figure 21.6 (a) Overlay of RVF charts (50% transparency) on Bing aerial show...Figure 21.7 (a) Study reach showing deposition and erosion, and net depositi...Figure 21.8 Net deposition as a function of effective width, with estimated ...Figure 21.9 Change of mean daily hydrological regimes by homogeneous flow pe...
22 Chapter 22Figure 22.1 Framework for implementation of sediment sampling program in the...Figure 22.2 Congo River Basin showing major river tributaries with a special...Figure 22.3 Average monthly discharge at five key gauging sites within the C...Figure 22.4 (a) Land cover map of the Kasai showing six major land use categ...Figure 22.5 Sites examined for possible location of the sediment sampling st...Figure 22.6 (a) Relatively stable bank conditions observed at Kutu‐Moke on t...Figure 22.7 From left to right bank, a detailed cross‐section bathymetry of ...Figure 22.8 (a) Wooden shed construction and suction line casing installatio...Figure 22.9 Plan showing the final layout of the Sediment Sampling Station a...Figure 22.10 Cross‐section diagram of sampling and measurement equipment ins...Figure 22.11 Satellite image showing variability in material concentration a...Figure 22.12 Total monthly areal rainfall in the Kasai, Kwango, and Kwilu su...Figure 22.13 Hydrograph of the Kasai River at Kutu‐Moke drawn from daily gau...Figure 22.14 Sonar tracking line used to develop cross‐section bathymetry an...Figure 22.15 (a) ISCO shed at low flow during installation, September 2017; ...
23 Chapter 23Figure 23.1 Main hydrographic features of the CRB.Figure 23.2 Study reach and locations of measurements (Chainage calculated f...Figure 23.3 Real‐time ADCP Transect (3 km river width) recorded using WinRiv...Figure 23.4 Google image of ADCP measurements involving a multi‐thread. Sour...Figure 23.5 GNSS‐Trimble set up for continuous (left) and static (right) WSE...Figure 23.6 Design of a concrete housing structure of the WLL (N’sele tribut...Figure 23.7 Depth averaged velocity and velocity magnitudes (cm/s) for four ...Figure 23.8 Measured discharge, channel hydraulic depth, and velocity for 29...Figure 23.9 Measured discharge, channel width, and wetted area for 29 cross ...Figure 23.10 Location of Lake Tumba; red hashtag represents the WLL and ADCP...Figure 23.11 Hydraulic characteristics of Lake Tumba‐Congo River channel at ...Figure 23.12 Raster map representing 25,088 continuous points of WSE recorde...Figure 23.13 Water surface profile drawn from the WSE measurement at 5‐km in...
24 Chapter 24Figure 24.1 Physiographic setting of the Congo River Basin.Figure 24.2 A conceptual framework of catchment classification for the CRB....Figure 24.3 Frequency distribution of the elevation structure in the CRB fro...Figure 24.4 Hierarchical levels of rivers in the CRB based on Strahler order...Figure 24.5 An excerpt of the application of the approach for the Malebo Poo...Figure 24.6 Features of mining and urban areas included in catchment delinea...Figure 24.7 Illustration of second (Left) and third (Right) levels catchment...Figure 24.8 An excerpt of the identified river names within the CRB.Figure 24.9 Pearson correlation matrix of the 26 variables of the physical b...Figure 24.10 PCA ordination bi‐plots for 15 variables of physical basin attr...Figure 24.11 Correlation matrix (Pearson (n)) showing relationships between ...Figure 24.12 First‐level partition of catchment units along the elevation (l...Figure 24.13 Cumulative Distribution Functions (CDF) forms across the domina...Figure 24.14 Patterns of different geomorphological groups and forms associa...Figure 24.15 Variant forms of catchments characterized by concave shaped CDF...Figure 24.16 Map of the corresponding wetlands and natural lakes catchments ...Figure 24.17 Spatial distribution of 403 catchment units including socioecon...Figure 24.18 Spatial distribution of 1,740 catchment units including the thr...Figure 24.19 Graphical representation of 11 groups of homogenous physiograph...Figure 24.20 A dendrogram of the 11 groups of homogenous physiographic setti...Figure 24.21 Parallel coordinate plot of the 11 groups of homogenous physiog...Figure 24.22 Overall contribution of the main variables to the average simil...
25 Chapter 25Figure 25.1 “TRANSAQUA” project, an idea for the Sahel.Figure 25.2 The two water transfer scenarios proposed by CIMA International....Figure 25.3 Evolution of the water surface of Lake Chad between 1970–2015....Figure 25.4 Average flow trend of Ubangui on both sides from 1970 to the Ban...Figure 25.5 Ubangui morphosedimentary responses to interannual fluctuations ...Figure 25.6 The Ubangui watershed.
26 Chapter 26Figure 26.1 Landscapes of Lake Chad since the late 1990sFigure 26.2 Observed and/or simulated evolution of the flooded surface of th...
27 Chapter 27Figure 27.1 Congo River Basin.Figure 27.2 Rainfall and Congo River flow pattern. Grey indicates location f...Figure 27.3 Flood risk analysis framework (modified from Bizimana & Schillin...Figure 27.4 100‐year‐return period flood hazard map at specific locations...Figure 27.5 Land cover types illustrated by Kinshasa and Brazzaville.Figure 27.6 River network, terrain, and population pixel distribution illust...Figure 27.7 Congo Basin countries with 525 second level administrative subdi...Figure 27.8 Town level maps, showing spatial representation of infrastructur...Figure 27.9 (1) Congo basin fluvial flood map for 5, 10, 20, 50, 75, 100‐yea...Figure 27.10 Overlap of model output extent for return period flood of 50 ye...Figure 27.11 100‐year‐return period flood and exposed infrastructure in the ...Figure 27.12 Spider diagram in case of: (a) exposed population, (b) exposed ...Figure 27.13 Dot density map showing exposed population in case of a: 5, 10,...Figure 27.14 The 20 most exposed territories in the Congo River Basin.Figure 27.15 Hotspots for 100‐year flood risk in the Congo River Basin.
28 Chapter 28Figure 28.1 Congo river basin with major rivers (defined as upstream catchme...Figure 28.2 Examples of river uses/services: (a) charcoal; (b) fishing; (c) ...Figure 28.3 Population density across the Congo Basin from the Global Human ...Figure 28.4 (a) percentages of country’s population within the basin (grey) ...Figure 28.5 Congo Basin population by member countries. Number of people liv...Figure 28.6 Examples of river transport. (a) Pusher and multiple barges with...Figure 28.7 Examples of CRuHM project activities: (a) Fieldwork boat and bar...