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6.2.6 Overview of Routing Protocols MANET Proactive


Proactive protocol stores the information of routing and constantly updates the information by changing the control packet in their neighbors. Link-state routing algorithms are used in which uses link information from their near nodes frequently. DSDV, OLSR, and WRP are examples of proactive routing protocol as shown in Figure 6.2 and a comprehensive comparative analysis is presented in Table 6.1.

Figure 6.2 MANETs routing protocol.

Table 6.1 Comparison of proactive reactive and hybrid protocol.

Features Reactive Proactive Hybrid
Mobility Route maintenance Periodic update Combination of both
Storage requirement Low High Medium
Bandwidth requirement Low High Medium
Power requirement Low High Medium
Stability Not suitable for large networks Low Suitable for high networks
Latency High due to flooding Low due to routing table Low outside the range
Route information Available when required Always available Combination of both
Route structure Flat Both flat and hierarchical Hierarchical
Route overhead Low High Medium
Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development

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