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2.5.4 Applications of DNA Logic Gate


Researchers have successfully developed logic gate using DNA strands and enzymes which is the basic requirement to design nano-DNA-devices. The scientists are approaching toward the generation where these nano-machines can be implanted in living organisms so that it could sense the conditions and accordingly can make decisions and respond to the situation. Based on the sensed circumstances, the nano-devices would be able to take required actions, for example, releasing medicines and killing hazardous cells.

Qian et al. [10] proposed DNA gate architecture using seesaw gate motif which is used to develop linear threshold circuits. Using DNA strand displacement cascades, the researchers projected autonomous chemical systems which are competent to recognize patterns of molecular events and accordingly make decisions and responds to the odd situation.

Cherry and Qian from Caltech publicized [11] that they have successfully designed ANN from synthetic oligonucleotides. Based on the designing criterion of DNA circuit, i.e., predictable hybridization rules and biochemical reactions of the DNA strands, Cherry and Qian developed ANN which can perform computing tasks, for example, molecular pattern recognition.

Handbook of Intelligent Computing and Optimization for Sustainable Development

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