Читать книгу Environmental Ethics - Группа авторов - Страница 5
Оглавление1 Cover
6 Preface to the Third Edition
9 Part I Theoretical Background1 Ethical Reasoning2 What is ‘Nature,’ and Why Should We Care?3 The Tragedy of the Commons4 Worldview Arguments for EnvironmentalismA. The Land Ethic and Deep EcologyThe Land EthicThe Shallow and the Deep, Long-Range Ecology Movement: A SummaryWhat Social Ecology?B. Eco-Feminism and Social JusticeEcofeminism and Feminist TheoryThe Power and the Promise of Ecological FeminismPatently Wrong: The Commercialization of Life FormsC.AestheticsAesthetics and the Value of NatureWorldview and the Value-Duty Link to Environmental Ethics5 Anthropocentric Versus Biocentric JustificationsA. Anthropocentric JustificationsHuman Rights and Future GenerationsEnvironmental Values, Anthropocentrism and SpeciesismB. Biocentric JustificationsEnvironmental Ethics: Values in and Duties to the Natural WorldRespect for Nature: A Theory of Environmental EthicsC. Searching the MiddleReconciling Anthropocentric and Nonanthropocentric Environmental EthicsOn the Reconciliation of Anthropocentric and Nonanthropocentric Environmental EthicsReconciliation Reaffirmed: A Reply to Steverson
10 Part II Applied Environmental Problems6 Pollution and Climate ChangeA.Air and Water PollutionBlue WaterPolluting and UnpollutingMoral Valuation of Environmental GoodsB.Climate ChangeDoes a Failure in Global Leadership Mean it’s All Over? Climate, Population, and ProgressCollective Responsibility and Climate Change7 Animal RightsAll Animals are EqualThe Radical Egalitarian Case for Animal RightsA Critique of Regan’s Animal Rights TheoryMary Anne Warren and “Duties to Animals”Against Zoos8 SustainabilityA. Sustainability: What it is and How it WorksDefining Sustainability EthicA Perfect Moral Storm: Climate Change, Intergenerational Ethics, and the Problem of Moral CorruptionSustainability and Adaptation: Environmental Values and the FutureB.Sustainability and Development‘Sustainable Development’: Is it a Useful Concept?On Wilfred Beckerman’s Critique of Sustainable DevelopmentGlobalizing Responsibility for Climate Change9 Public Policy, Activism, and Technology: The Cold and Tragic Logic of Climate Change DenialThe A, B, Cs of Social Activism: My JourneyInternational Public Policy on Environmental RegulationWhat About the Coal Miners? Addressing the Downside of Effective Environmental PoliciesElectricityTechnology and the Environment: From Bones to MarketsRising Above the Rising Seas