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1 Anderson, W. (2018). Epidemiology, social history, and the beginnings of medical anthropology in the highlands of New Guinea. Medicine Anthropology Theory 5 (1): 78–87.

2 Baer, H. (1996). Toward a political ecology of health in medical anthropology. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 10 (4): 451–454.

3 Baer, H.A., Singer, M., and Johnson, J.H. (1986). Toward a critical medical anthropology. Social Science and Medicine 23 (2): 95–98.

4 Baer, H.A., Singer, M.C., Long, D., and Erickson, P.I. (2016). Rebranding our field: Towards an articulation of health anthropology. Current Anthropology (with CA commentary) 57 (4): 494–510.

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22 Good, B.J. (1994). Medicine, Rationality, and Experience: An Anthropological Perspective. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

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26 Hasan, K.A. (1975). What is medical anthropology? Medical Anthropology Newsletter 6 (3): 7–10.

27 Hasan, K.A. and Prasad, B.G. (1959). A note on the contributions of anthropology to medical science. Journal of the Indian Medical Association 33: 182–190.

28 Hsu, E. (2012). Medical anthropology in Europe – quo vadis? Anthropology & Medicine 19 (1): 51–61.

29 Hsu, E. and Potter, C. (2012). Introduction to Part I: Medical anthropology in Europe: Shaping the field. Anthropology & Medicine 19 (1): 1–6.

30 Ingstad, B. and Talle, A. (2009). Introduction to Nordic medical anthropology. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 23 (1): 1–5.

31 Inhorn, M. (2007). Medical anthropology at the intersections. Medical Anthroplogy Quarterly 21 (3): 249–255.

32 Johnson, T.M. and Sargent, C.F. (eds.) (1990). Medical Anthropology: Contemporary Theory and Method. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.

33 Kaufert, P.L. and Kaufert, J.M. (1978). Alternate courses of development: Medical anthropology in Britain and North America. Social Science & Medicine 12 (4B): 255–261.

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45 Metzner, E. and Warren, N. (2018). Particularities in common: A collection of essays about the training, theory, and practice of medical anthropologies from several contexts around the world. American Anthropologist 120 (3): 549–576.

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57 Rylko-Bauer, B., Singer, M., and Van Willigen, J. (2006). Reclaiming applied anthropology: Its past, present, and future. American Anthropologist 108 (1): 178–190.

58 Sailant, F. and Genest, S. (eds.) (2007). Medical Anthropology: Regional Perspectives and Shared Concerns. Malden, MA: Blackwell.

59 Schell, L.M. (2012). Transitioning from traditional: Pollution, diet, and the development of children. Collegium Antropologicum 36 (4): 1129–1134.

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76 Wendland, C.L. (2019). Physician anthropologists. Annual Review of Anthropology 48: 187–205.

77 Whyte, S.R. (2009). Health identities and subjectivities: The ethnographic challenge. Medical Anthropology Quarterly 23 (1): 6–15.

A Companion to Medical Anthropology

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