Читать книгу A Companion to Medical Anthropology - Группа авторов - Страница 59
Оглавление1 Agar, M. (1980). Professional Strangers: An Informational Introduction to Ethnography. New York: Academic Press.
2 Anker, M. (1991). Epidemiological and statistical methods for rapid health assessment. World Health Statistics Annual (WHO) 44 (3): 94–101.
3 Aral, S.0. and Fransen, L. (1995). STD/HIV prevention in Turkey: Planning a sequence of interventions. AIDS Education and Prevention 7 (6): 544–553.
4 Askew, I., Tapsoba, P., Ouedraogo, Y., Viadro, C., Bakouan, D., and Sebgo, P. (1993). Quality of care in family planning programmes: A rapid assessment in Burkina Faso. Health Policy and Planning 8 (I): 19–32.
5 Assembly, UN General. (1948). Universal declaration of human rights. UN General Assembly 302(2):14–25.
6 Barnett, H.G. (1948). On science and human rights. American Anthropologist 50(2): 352–355.
7 Bentley, M., Pelto, G., Straus, W., Schumann, D., Adegboda, C., and de la Pena, E. (1988). Rapid ethnographic assessment: Applications in a diarrhea management program. Social Science and Medicine 27 (1): 107–116.
8 Bernard, H.R. (2011). Research Methods in Anthropology: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches, 6th Edition Altamira Press.
9 Beteille, A. and Maden, T.N. (eds.) (1975). Encounter and Experience, Personal Accounts of Fieldwork. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
10 Clatts, M., et al. (1996). Risk Behaviors among Injection Drug Users in New York City: Critical Gaps in Prevention Policy. Global AIDS Policy. Douglas A. Feldman, ed. Westport CT: Bergen and Garvey. Applied Medical Anthropology. 65.
11 Clatts, M., Davis, W.R., Deren, S., Goldsmith, D., and Tortu, S. (1996). Risk behaviors among injection drug users in New York City: Critical gaps in prevention policy. In: Global AIDS Policy. (ed. D. Feldman).
12 Corbin, J.M., and Strauss, A. (1990). Grounded theory research: Procedures, canons, and evaluative criteria. Qualitative sociology 13(1): 3–21.
13 Dale, J., Shipman, C., Lacock, L., and Davies, M. (1996). Creating a shared vision of out of hours care: Using rapid appraisal methods to create an interagency, community oriented, approach to service development. British Medical Journal 312: 1206.
14 Eaves, E.R., Trotter, R.T. and Baldwin, J.A. (2020). Another silver lining?: Anthropological perspectives on the promise and practice of relaxed restrictions for telemedicine and medication-assisted treatment in the context of COVID-19. Human organization 79(4): 292–303.
15 Ensign, B.J. and Gittelsohn, J. (1998). Health and access to care: Perspectives of homeless youth in Baltimore City. U.S.A. Social Science and Medicine 47 (12): 2087–2099.
16 Epstein, A.L. (ed.) (1967). The Craft of Social Anthropology. London: Tavistock.
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19 Guillette, E.A., Mercedes, M.M., Guadalupe, A.M., Soto, A.D., and Enedina, G.I. (1998). An anthropological approach to the evaluation of preschool children exposed to pesticides in Mexico. Environmental Health Perspectives 106 (6): 347–353.
20 Hernandez, A., Saint-Jean, G., Evans, S., Tafari, I., Brewster, L.G., Celestin, M.J., Gamez-Estefan, C., Regalado, F., Akal, S., Nierenberg, B., Kauschinger, E.D., Schwartz, R., Page, J.B., and Brown, D.R. (2008). A participatory action research pilot study of urban health disparities using rapid assessment response and evaluation. American Journal of Public Health 98 (1): 28–38.
21 Herskovits, M.J. (1958). Some further comments on cultural relativism. American Anthropologist 60 (2): 266–273.
22 Hill, C.E. (Ed.) (1991). Training Manual In Applied Medical Anthropology. American Anthropological Association Special Publications No. 27, Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.
23 Inciardi, J.A. and Page, J.B. (1991). Drug sharing among intravenous drug users. AIDS 5 (6): 772–773.
24 Johnson, J.C. (1990). Selecting Ethnographic Informants. Qualitative Research Methods. (Vol. 22). Beverly Hills and London: Sage Publications.
25 Johnson, J.C. (1990). Selecting Ethnographic Informants. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
26 Jose, B., Friedman, S.R., Neaigus, A., Curtis, R., Grund, J.-P.C., Goldstein, M.P., Ward, T.P., and Des Jarlais, D.C. (1993). Syringe-mediated drug sharing (backloading): A new risk factor for HIV among injecting drug users. AIDS 7: 1653–1660.
27 Koester, S.K. (1994). Copping, running, and paraphernalia laws: Context and high risk behavior. Human Organization 53 (3): 278–295.
28 Kroeber, A.L. (1953). Anthropology Today. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
29 Le Compte, M., and Schensul, J.J. (2010). Designing and Conducting, etnographie and introdution.
30 Lee, T. and Price, M. (1995). Indicators and research methods for rapid assessment of a tuberculosis control programme: Case study of a rural area in South Africa. Tubercle Lung Diseases 76 (5): 441–449.
31 Lerer, L.B. (1999). Health impact assessment. Health Policy and Planning 14 (2): 198–203.
32 Low, S.M., Taplin, D.H., Lamb, M., and Low, S.M. (2005). BATTERY PARK CITY. An ethnographic field study of the community impact of 9/11. Urban Affairs Review 40 (5): 655–682.
33 Malilay, J., Flanders, W.D., and Brogan, D.A. (1997). Metodo modificado de muestreo por conglomerados para la evaluacion rapida de necesidades despues de un desastre [Modified cluster sampling method for the rapid assessment of needs after a disaster]. Revista Panamericana De Salud Publica/Pan-American Journal of Public Health 2 (1): 7–12.
34 McDonnell, S., Brennan, M., Burnham, G., and Tarantola, D. (1994). Assessing and planning home-based care for persons with AIDS. Health Policy and Planning 9 (4): 429–437.
35 Miguel, C.A., Tallo, V.L., Manderson, L., and Lansang, M.A. (1999). Local knowledge and treatment of malaria in Agusan del Sur, the Philippines. Social Science and Medicine 48 (5): 607–618.
36 Murphy, L.D. and Erickson, P.A. (2017). Readings for a History of Anthropological Theory: University of Toronto Press SBN:9781442636880, 1442636882
37 Needle, R., Kroeger, K., Belani, H., Achrekar, A., Parry, C.D., Dewing, S., and Needle, R. (2008). Sex, drugs, and HIV: Rapid assessment of HIV risk behaviors among street-based drug using sex workers in Durban. South Africa Social Science & Medicine 67 (9): 1447–1455.
38 Oliver, I. and Beattie, A.J. (1996). Designing a cost-effective invertebrate survey: A test of methods for rapid assessment of biodiversity. Ecology Applied 6 (2): 594–607.
39 Page, J.B. (1990). Shooting Scenarios and Risk of HIV-1 Infection. American Behavioral Scientist 33 (4): 478–490.
40 Page, J.B., Smith, P.C., and Kane, N. (1990). Shooting Galleries, their Proprietors, and Implications for Prevention of AIDS. Drugs and Society 3 (1): 69–85.
41 Page, J.B. and Trotter, II, R. T. (1999). To Theorize or not to theorize: Anthropological research in drugs and AIDS. in integrating cultural, observational, and epidemiological approaches in the prevention of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. Patricia Loomis Marshall, Merrill Singer, Michael C. Clatts, eds. USDHHS/National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH Publication No. 99-4565. Pp. 51–73
42 Pearson, T., Barger, S.D., Lininger, M., Wayment, H., Hepp, C., Villa, F., Tucker-Morgan, K., Kyman, S., Cabrera, M., Hurtado, K., Menard, A., Fulbright, K., Wood, C., Mbegbu, M., Zambrano, Y., Fletcher, A., Medina-Rodriguez, S., Manone, M., Aguirre, A., Milner, T., and Trotter II, R.T. (2019) Health disparities in staphylococcus aureus transmission and carriage in a border region of the United States based on cultural differences in social relationships: Protocol for a survey study. (JMIR Res Protoc 2019;8(9): e14853) doi: 10.2196/14853.
43 Pelto, P.J. and Pelto, G.H. (1978). Anthropological Research: The Structure or Inquiry, Second Edition Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
44 Preamble, I. (2005). Code of Ethics of the American Anthropological Association. Biological Anthropology and Ethics: From Repatriation to Genetic Identity, 289.
45 Power, R. (1996). Rapid assessment of drug-injecting situations at Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam. Bulletin on Narcotics 48: 35–52.
46 Rylko-Bauer, B., Singer, M., and Van Willigen, J. (2006). Reclaiming applied anthropology: Its past, present, and future. American Anthropologist 108 (1): 178–190.
47 Rugg, D., Carael, M., Boerma, J.T., and Novak, J. (2004). Global advances in monitoring and evaluation of HIV/AIDS: From AIDS case reporting to program improvement. New Directions for Evaluation Autumn (Fall) 2004 2004 (103): 33–48.
48 Schensul, J.J. and Le Compte, M.D. (1999). Ethnographer’s Toolkit. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira.
49 Schensul, J.J., LeCompte, M.D. Trotter, R.T., Cromley, E.K. and Singer, M. (1999). Mapping social networks, spatial data, & hidden populations. Vol. 4. Walnut Creek, CA: AltaMira Press.
50 Schrimshaw, S., Carballo, M., and Hurtado, E. (1987). Raid Assessment Procedures for Nutrition and Primary Health Care. Westwood, CA: UCLA Latin American Center References Series, 11.
51 Schrimshaw, S., Carballo, M., Ramos, L., and Blair, B. (1991). The aids rapid anthropological assessment procedures: A tool for health education planning and evaluation. Health Education Quarterly 18: 111–123.
52 Singer, M. (1994). The politics of AIDS. Social Science Medicine. 38 (10): 1321–1324.à.
53 Singer, M. (1995). Community-centered praxis: Toward an alternative non-dominative applied anthropology. Human Organization 9 (1): 80–106.
54 Singer, M. (1996). The evolution of AIDS work in a Puerto Rican community organization. Human Organization 55: 1.
55 Singer, M. and Baer, H. (1995). Critical Medical Anthropology. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Co.
56 Singer, M., Mirhej, G., Santelices, C., Hastings, E., Navarro, J., and Vivian, J. (2006). Tomorrow is already here, or is it? steps in preventing a local methamphetamine outbreak. Human Organization 65 (2): 203–217.
57 Singer, M., Marshall, P.L., Trotter, R.T., II, Schensul, J.J., Weeks, M.R., Simmons, J.E., and Radda, K.E. (1999). Ethics, ethnography, drug use and AIDS: Dilemmas and standards in federally funded research. In integrating cultural, observational, and epidemiological approaches in the prevention of drug abuse and HIV/AIDS. Patricia Loomis Marshall, Merrill Singer, Michael C. Clatts, eds. USDHHS/National Institute on Drug Abuse, NIH Publication No. 99-4565. pp. 198–222.
58 Smith, G.S. (1989). Development of rapid epidemiologic assessment methods to evaluate health status and delivery of health services. International Journal of Epidemiology. 18: S2–15.
59 Sobo, E.J., Bowman, C., and Gifford, A.L. (Nov., 2008). Behind the scenes in health care improvement: The complex structures and emergent strategies of Implementation Science. Social Science & Medicine 67 (10): 1530–1540.
60 Spradley, J. (1980). Participant Observation. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
61 Spradley, J.P. and McCurdy, D.W. (1972). The Cultural Experience: Ethnography in Complex Society. Chicago: Science Research Associates.
62 Stohlgren, T.J., Chong, G.W., Kalkhan, and, M.A., and Schell, L.D. (1997). Rapid assessment of plant diversity patterns: A methodology for landscapes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 48 (I): 25–43.
63 Stimson, G.V., Hickman, M., Rhodes, T., Bastos, F., and Saidel, T. (2005). Methods for assessing HIV and HIV risk among IDUs and for evaluating interventions. International Journal of Drug Policy 16: 7–20.
64 Tarr, C.M. and Aggleton, P. (1999). Young people and HIV in Cambodia: meanings, contexts and sexual cultures. Aids Care 11(3): 375–384.
65 Trotter, R.T. II (2012). Qualitative research sample design and sample size: Resolving and unresolved issues and inferential imperatives Department of Anthropology, 575 East Pine Knoll Drive, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, AZ 86011, USA Preventative Medicine. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ypmed.2012.07.003
66 Trotter, R.T.II (1998). Ethnographic research methods for applied medical anthropology. In: Training Manual in Applied Medical Anthropology. American Anthropological Association Special Publications No. 27. (ed. C.E. Hill), Washington, D.C.: American Anthropological Association.
67 Trotter, R.T. II (1995). Drug use, AIDS, and ethnography: Advanced ethnographic research methods exploring the HIV epidemic. In: Qualitative Methods in Drug Abuse and HIV Research. NIDA Research Monograph 157. USDHHS. (ed. E.Y. Lambert, R.S. Ashery, and R.H. Needle), 38–65. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
68 Trotter, R.T. II, Baldwin, J., Buck, C.L., Remiker, M., Aguirre, A., Milner, T., Torres, E., and Von Hippel, F.A. (2019). A community-engaged protocol for evaluating environmental toxicants in a U.S. border community: the public health impacts of perchlorate and pesticide exposure (Preprint) August. DOI: 10.2196/preprints.15864 JMIR Res Protoc.
69 Trotter R. T. II, Fofanov, V., Camplain, R., Arazan, C., Camplain, C., Eaves, E., Hanabury, M., Hepp, C., Kohlbeck, B., Lininger, M., Peoples, M., Dmitrieva, N.O., and Baldwin, J. (2019). Health disparities in jail populations: Mixed methods and multi-disciplinary community engagement for justice and health impacts. Practicing Anthropology 41 (4): Fall 2019, 2–17.
70 Trotter, R.T.I.I., Bowen, A.M., and Potter, J.M. (1995). Network models for HIV outreach and prevention programs of drug users. In: Social Networks, Drug Abuse, and HIV Transmission. NIDA Research Monograph 151. USDHHS. (ed. R.H. Needle, C. Sl. L, S.G. Genser, and R.T.I.I. Trotter), 144–180. Rockville, MD: National Institute on Drug Abuse.
71 Trotter, R.T. and Potter, J.M. (1993). Pile sorts, a cognitive anthropological model of drug and AIDS risks for Navajo Teenagers: Assessment of a new evaluation tool. Drugs and Society 7 (3/4): 23–39.
72 Trotter, R.T., II and Schensul, J.J. (1998). Methods in applied anthropology. In: Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology. (ed. H.R. Bernard), 691–736. Walnut Creek, CA: AltiMira.
73 Trotter, R.T. and Singer, M. (2005). Rapid assessment strategies for public health: Promise and problems. Community interventions and AIDS, 130–152.
74 Trotter, R.T., et al. (2001). A methodological model for rapid assessment, response, and evaluation: the RARE program in public health. Field methods 13(2): 137–159.
75 Ustun, T.B., Chatterji, S., Bickenbach, J.E., Trotter, II, R.T., Room, R., Rehm, J., and Saxena, S. (eds.) (2001). Disability and Culture: Universalism and diversity. Seattle: Hogrefe and Huber Publishers (ICIDH-2 Series).
76 Urry, J. (1972). “Notes and queries on anthropology” and the development of field methods in British anthropology, 1870–1920. Proceedings of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, (1972), 45–57. doi:10.2307/3031732, London, Royal British Anthropological Society.
77 Vlassoff, C. and Tanner, M. (1992). The relevance of rapid assessment to health research and interventions. Health Policy and Planning 7 (I): 1–9.
78 Wax, R.H. (1971). Doing Fieldwork: Warnings and Advice. University of Chicago Press: Chicago.
79 Weeks, M., Schensul, J., Williams, S., Singer, M., and Grier, M. (1996). AIDS prevention for African American and Latina women: Building culturally and gender-appropriate intervention. AIDS Education and Prevention. 7 (3): 251–263.
80 Weeks, M., Clair, S., Singer, M., Radda, K., Schensul, J., and Wilson, D. (2001). High-Risk drug use sites, meaning and practice. Journal of Drug Issues 31: 781–808.
81 Weeks, M.R. et al. (2006). The risk avoidance partnership: training active drug users as peer health advocates. Journal of Drug Issues 36(3): 541–570.
82 Whiteford, L. and Trotter, R.T., II. (2008). Ethics in Anthropological Research and Practice. Boston, MA: Wadsworth, ISBN-13 978–1577665359.
83 Williams, M.L. and Johnson, J. (1993). Social network structures: An ethnographic analysis of intravenous drug use in Houston, Texas. In: AIDS and Community-Based Drug Intervention Programs: Evaluation and Outreach. (ed. D.G. Fisher and R. Needle), 65–90.à. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Press, Inc..
84 Williams, M.L., Trotter, R.T.I.I., Zhuo, Z., Siegal, H.A., Robles, R.R., and Jones, A. (1995). An investigation of the HIV risk behaviors of drug use networks. Connections. 18: 58–72.