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List of Illustrations


1 Chapter 1Fig. 1.1. Compared to an adult airway, the pediatric airway demonstrates mor...

2 Chapter 2Fig. 2.1. Bilateral nondisplaced mandibular angle fracture following mandibu...Fig. 2.2. (a) Preoperative appearance of a right OAF secondary to traumatic ...Fig. 2.3. Panoramic radiograph with teeth marked for extraction.Fig. 2.4. Fractured tuberosity with extraction of second molar.Fig. 2.5. (a) Tooth #1 displaced into the maxillary sinus during extraction ...Fig. 2.6. (a) CT axial view at the level of the third molars demonstrating t...Fig. 2.7. (a) Coronal view CT demonstrating tooth #16 displacement into the ...Fig. 2.8. Chest X‐ray demonstrating aspiration of a tooth.Fig. 2.9. 3D reconstruction of right mandibular osteomyelitis demonstrating ...Fig. 2.10. (a) Panoramic image of biopsy proven left mandibular osteomyeliti...Fig. 2.11. (a) Sagittal view CT demonstrating displacement of a 25‐gauge nee...

3 Chapter 3Fig. 3.1. Implant displaced in the IAC causing IAN injury.Fig. 3.2. A closer CBCT view of an implant causing IAN transection.Fig. 3.3. Implant violation of the superior aspect of the IAC.Fig. 3.4. A closer CBCT view of an implant violating the IAC.Fig. 3.5. Damage to the adjacent tooth and bone loss due to poor implant pos...Fig. 3.6. Implants placed too close together compromising gingival esthetics...Fig. 3.7. Periapical radiograph showing implants placed too close together r...Fig. 3.8. Implant displacement into the left maxillary sinus.Fig. 3.9. Implant displacement into the right maxillary sinus.Fig. 3.10. Floor of mouth hematoma following anterior mandible implant place...Fig. 3.11. Implant violation of the lingual plate that may transect the subl...Fig. 3.12. CBCT view showing the violation of the lingual cortex by an impla...Fig. 3.13. Lingual nutrient canal in the anterior mandible that may lead to ...Fig. 3.14. Right mandible fracture from implant placement.Fig. 3.15. Open reduction with internal fixation of the mandible fracture.Fig. 3.16. Peri‐implantitis leading to bone loss (crater‐like defect).Fig. 3.17. Periapical radiograph showing bone loss due to peri‐implantitis....Fig. 3.18. Implant restorative materials fractures.Fig. 3.19. Fractured implant.Fig. 3.20. Radiograph of fracture of the actual implant fixture.Fig. 3.21. Clinical view of fracture of the actual implant fixture.Fig. 3.22. Right maxillary sinusitis associated with right zygomatic implant...Fig. 3.23. (a–c) Quad‐zygoma implants with buccal fat pad coverage.Fig. 3.24. (a–c) Zygomatic implant placed into left orbital cavity causing p...Fig. 3.25. (a, b) Zygomatic implant placed into right infratemporal fossa.Fig. 3.26. (a, b) Following implant removal and replacement to engage the zy...

4 Chapter 4Fig. 4.1. (a) A 3D CT reconstruction of the craniomaxillofacial skeleton of ...Fig. 4.2. (a) A laser scan of a patient with missing data (black arrow). (b)...Fig. 4.3. An axial view of a bone window of a preoperative CT in a patient w...Fig. 4.4. (a, b) An SLA model not cleaned and sterilized per manufacturer's ...Fig. 4.5. (a) An eight‐month‐old male with isolated nonsyndromic metopic cra...Fig. 4.6. A patient planned for a secondary reconstruction of the zygoma and...Fig. 4.7. A panorex is reconstructed from the CBCT.Fig. 4.8. STL and DICOM files are merged.Fig. 4.9. A virtual crown is placed. If maxillary and mandibular STL files a...Fig. 4.10. The software allows the surgeon to specify the dimensions of the ...Fig. 4.11. Patterns on the handpiece and patient tracker are registered with...Fig. 4.12. (a) An example of dynamic navigation being used for implant place...Fig. 4.13. The graphic user interface. The blue dot in the middle of the upp...Fig. 4.14. (a) A photograph taken at time of dental implant placement. (b) T...Fig. 4.15. Demonstration of how small deviations in the X‐clip position can ...Fig. 4.16. An example of an X‐clip that rocked at the time of surgery. A sys...Fig. 4.17. A good system check and accuracy is verified since the cusp tip i...Fig. 4.18. An example of subtle blurring and streaking that occurred across ...

5 Chapter 5Fig. 5.1. Complex soft tissue injury. Primary repair is both feasible and pr...Fig. 5.2. Three‐year‐old child involved in “mauling” injury from dog. (a) Bi...Fig. 5.3. Forty‐three‐year‐old woman involved in a knife assault. (a) Preope...Fig. 5.4. House‐Brackmann scale of facial function. (a) Outline. (b) Facial ...Fig. 5.5. Five‐year‐old girl with a deep laceration of the cheek, proximal t...Fig. 5.6. Fifty‐eight‐year‐old with complex through‐and‐through eyelid injur...Fig. 5.7. Technique for medial ectropion repair. (a) “C‐shaped” incision. (b...Fig. 5.8. Lower eyelid ectropion with increased scleral show.Fig. 5.9. Denonvilliers Z‐plasty for lateral lower eyelid ectropion.Fig. 5.10. Lateral ectropion. (a) Exposure keratopathy with secondary conjun...Fig. 5.11. Right lower lid entropion following transconjunctival approach to...Fig. 5.12. Principles of rigid internal fixation of the mandible. (a) Load‐s...Fig. 5.13. Malunion of untreated bilateral mandibular angle fractures. (a) L...Fig. 5.14. Inadequate fixation resulting in infection and nonunion. (a) Nonb...Fig. 5.15. (a) Panoramic radiograph demonstrating a failed attempt at closed...Fig. 5.16. Bilateral mandibular fractures with facial widening. (a) Preopera...Fig. 5.17. Facial asymmetry related to undertreated “double unilateral” mand...Fig. 5.18. Fifteen‐year‐old male with bilateral mandibular condyle fractures...Fig. 5.19. Risk factors for unfavorable results for the management of mandib...Fig. 5.20. The postulated theory behind TMJ ankylosis and facial fractures i...Fig. 5.21. Potential complications related to frontal sinus fractures.Fig. 5.22. Fifty‐two‐year‐old male with chronic frontal sinusitis 12 years f...Fig. 5.23. Periorbital cellulitis secondary to pansinusitis. (a) Preoperativ...Fig. 5.24. Pott’s Puffy tumor.Fig. 5.25. Axial CT image of patient with frontal skull fracture and epidura...Fig. 5.26. Cavernous sinus thrombosis. (a) Initial presentation. (b) Progres...Fig. 5.27. Coronal CT image of patient with anterior skull base fractures co...Fig. 5.28. Evaluation of computer based area and volume measurement from cor...Fig. 5.29. Nine‐year‐old with “trap door” blow‐out fracture of the orbital f...Fig. 5.30. Configuration in the fractured orbit. Top: normally, orbital cont...Fig. 5.31. Importance of reconstructing the critical orbital bulges. (a) Eno...Fig. 5.32. Factors leading to difficulty identifying and accurately reconstr...Fig. 5.33. Transconjunctival approach to the orbit. Rather than a preseptal ...Fig. 5.34. “Shattered orbit” with inadequate restoration of orbital volume a...Fig. 5.35. Importance of the zygoma for achieving normal facial width and sy...Fig. 5.36. “Bowing” of the zygomatic arch (green) resulting in widening of t...Fig. 5.37. Globe rupture.Fig. 5.38. Relative indications for surgical decompression of the optic nerv...Fig. 5.39. Telecanthus following repair of an NOE fracture.Fig. 5.40. “Saddle nose” deformity prior to repair of an NOE fracture.Fig. 5.41. Endonasal synechiae.Fig. 5.42. Inadequate reduction of Le Fort I fracture resulting in anterior ...Fig. 5.43. Facial widening after inadequate reduction, stabilization, and fi...Fig. 5.44. Transverse temporal bone fracture.Fig. 5.45. Postoperative hemorrhage following tracheostomy.

6 Chapter 6Fig. 6.1. Complications by osteotomy location.Fig. 6.2. Preoperative, perioperative, and postoperative complication time f...Fig. 6.3. Possible intraoperative anesthesia‐related complications.Fig. 6.4. (a) Segmental maxillary osteotomy. (b) Intraoperative dusky appear...Fig. 6.5. Persistent oronasal fistula following segmental maxillary surgery....Fig. 6.6. (a) Inadvertent maxillary fracture of the palatal shelf during Le ...Fig. 6.7. (a) Postoperative persistent ecchymosis and bleeding requiring ang...Fig. 6.8. (a) Lateral cephalograph showing overpenetration of genioplasty pi...Fig. 6.9. Vertical ramus osteotomy with overrotation of the proximal segment...Fig. 6.10. (a) 3D CT scan showing the medial horizontal osteotomy of a sagit...Fig. 6.11. (a) Buccal plate fracture of the proximal segment. (b) High bucca...Fig. 6.12. (a) Panorex showing multiple bad splits of the mandible requiring...Fig. 6.13. 3D CT showing significant proximal segment lateral torque followi...Fig. 6.14. (a) Panorex showing hardware failure with plate fracture on the r...Fig. 6.15. Postoperative complications based upon time frame following ortho...Fig. 6.16. Facial markings with vertical and roll lines.Fig. 6.17. The results of malpositioning of temporomandibular joint. (a) Cli...Fig. 6.18. (a–c) Lateral cephalogram and 3DCT showing the large open bite fr...

7 Chapter 7Fig. 7.1. Dolls and skull models with DO devices used for demonstration purp...Fig. 7.2. (a) Patient with left hemifacial microsomia; (b) incorrect vector ...Fig. 7.3. Surgical plan using computer software (Ostoplan, 3D Slicer). The l...Fig. 7.4. Intraoperative view of two different cases.Fig. 7.5. Patient who had bilateral mandibular intraoral DO complained of pa...Fig. 7.6. Patient after extensive maxillary and mandibular trauma with a def...Fig. 7.7. Patient after bilateral mandibular DO. (a) On the right side, the ...Fig. 7.8. Patient after left unilateral DO, who complained about pain and ma...Fig. 7.9. Patient after an extraoral DO procedure, who developed infection a...Fig. 7.10. Patient with Nager syndrome, who underwent bilateral mandibular D...

8 Chapter 8Fig. 8.1. Virtual fabrication of cutting guide capturing the genial tubercle...Fig. 8.2. Salvage of fractured bony segment with attached genioglossus by fi...Fig. 8.3. Anatomical position of the hyoepiglottic ligament in relation to t...Fig. 8.4. Lateral cephalometric radiograph exhibiting loss of fixation of on...Fig. 8.5. Mandibular osteotomy with a back‐cut posterior to the lingula with...Fig. 8.6. Preoperative panoramic radiograph of 56‐year‐old male with impacte...Fig. 8.7. Postoperative panoramic radiograph showing fixation of bad left ma...Fig. 8.8. Early postoperative malocclusion unable to be corrected with elast...Fig. 8.9. Lateral cephalometric radiograph of early postoperative malocclusi...Fig. 8.10. Fractured maxillary plate from MMA.Fig. 8.11. Replacement fixation for failed maxillary hardware.Fig. 8.12. Failed maxillary hardware after MMA.Fig. 8.13. Panoramic radiograph exhibiting loss of fixation and nonunion of ...Fig. 8.14. Lateral cephalometric radiograph exhibiting loss of projection an...Fig. 8.15. Panoramic radiograph following definitive rigid fixation treatmen...

9 Chapter 9Fig. 9.1. Four‐month‐old baby following lip–nose repair. This child develope...Fig. 9.2 Nine‐year‐old boy with left unilateral cleft lip and palate. Note h...Fig. 9.3. Teenage boy with a left unilateral cleft lip and palate. Note the ...Fig. 9.4. Six‐year‐old boy with bilateral cleft lip and palate. Note the wid...Fig. 9.5. Two‐year‐old girl with a right unilateral complete cleft lip and p...Fig. 9.6. Four‐year‐old boy with right unilateral cleft lip and palate. Note...Fig. 9.7. Five‐year‐old girl with a left‐sided unilateral cleft lip and pala...Fig. 9.8. (a) Unilateral cleft of the primary and secondary palates is shown...Fig. 9.9. (a) Complete cleft of the secondary palate (both hard and soft) is...Fig. 9.10. Illustration of superiorly based pharyngeal flap operative proced...Fig. 9.11. Pharyngoplasty procedure. (a) Incision of the posterior pharyngea...Fig. 9.12 (a) Lateral view of a patient who had an initial anterior cranial ...Fig. 9.13. (a) Frontal view from a 3D CT that shows a nonunion of previously...

10 Chapter 10Fig. 10.1 Ptosis of left eyelid resulting from diffusion of neurotoxin throu...Fig. 10.2 Complications and management for each type of filler materialFig. 10.3 The use of a blunt‐tip cannula reduces the risk of intravascular i...Fig. 10.4 Management of retinal embolusFig. 10.5 Preoperative lip injections (a). Filler was deposited from the com...Fig. 10.6 Emergency supplies for treatment of filler complicationsFig. 10.7 Left: PIH after full‐face CO2 laser skin resurfacing. Right: After...

11 Chapter 11Fig. 11.1. Ectropion and lid shortening observed five years after subciliary...Fig. 11.2. Patient 10 years after skin grafting to upper lids. Grafting was ...Fig. 11.3. Delayed submental hematoma formation in male facelift patient sev...Fig. 11.4. (a) Skin breakdown one week after facelift. (b) Debridement of ne...Fig. 11.5. Submental irregularity after isolated liposuction procedure. Degr...Fig. 11.6. (a) Patient with lateral sweep and pixie‐ear deformity. (b) Corre...Fig. 11.7. (a) Patient with pixie‐ear deformity, loss of temporal tuft of ha...Fig. 11.8. Facelift incision designed to incorporate a cuff of neck tissue a...Fig. 11.9. Visible malar shell silastic implant.Fig. 11.10. (a) Patient after loss of nasal tip/columella skin envelope and ...Fig. 11.11. Patient with septal perforation. Patient was unaware of conditio...Fig. 11.12. Patient with high dorsum and narrow middle nasal vault. Open roo...Fig. 11.13. Postrhinoplasty complications. (a) Open roof deformity – correct...

12 Chapter 12Fig. 12.1. Iatrogenic ear perforation during TMJ arthroscopy.Fig. 12.2. Right discectomy was performed for anterior disc displacement wit...

13 Chapter 13Fig. 13.1 The appearance of a T2N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the left ton...Fig. 13.2 A T2N0M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the right mandibular gingiva i...Fig. 13.3 An 84‐year‐old woman with a T2N1M0 squamous cell carcinoma of the ...Fig. 13.4 A CT of the chest (a) in a patient treated for stage IV squamous c...Fig. 13.5. Clinical images of squamous cell carcinoma of the left tongue (a)...Fig. 13.6. The clinical sequelae of a radical neck dissection performed in a...Fig. 13.7. The clinical appearance of a patient one year following selective...Fig. 13.8. A left hemidiaphragm noted in a patient with a left phrenic nerve...Fig. 13.9. Abnormal movement of the tongue on protrusion in a patient who un...Fig. 13.10 The presence of chyle in the wound of a patient undergoing right ...Fig. 13.11 Exposure of a reconstruction bone plate in a patient following ab...Fig. 13.12 Panoramic radiograph demonstrating an ameloblastoma of the left m...Fig. 13.13 Invasion of the pseudocapsule of a pleomorphic adenoma of the par...

14 Chapter 14Fig. 14.1. Frontal view of an 84‐year‐old male with an endophytic T2N0M0 squ...Fig. 14.2. Frontal view of a 76‐year‐old male with an exophytic T2N0M0 squam...Fig. 14.3 Frontal view of a 49‐year‐old female with a T2N0M0 invasive kerati...Fig. 14.4 Frontal view of an 84‐year‐old female with a polymorphous low‐grad...Fig. 14.5 Intraoral view of an 84‐year‐old female with a PLGA lesion of the ...Fig. 14.6 Frontal view of a 44‐year‐old male with untreated endophytic ulcer...Fig. 14.7 Frontal view of an 89‐year‐old female with a large fungating T3N0M...Fig. 14.8 Intraoral view of the large fungating lesion.Fig. 14.9 Intraoperative resection of patient's lesion with anticipated Kara...Fig. 14.10 Postoperative view of patient status after wide local excision of...Fig. 14.11 Final postoperative photo of the patient revealing contracture an...Fig. 14.12. Intraoperative view of planned resection and reconstruction with...Fig. 14.13 Intraoperative view of a 76‐year‐old female with a recurrent T1N0...Fig. 14.14 Intraoperative resection of the T1N0M0 lesion.Fig. 14.15 Closure of the defect reveals severe microstomia [35].Fig. 14.16 Frontal view of an 85‐year‐old male who underwent wide local exci...Fig. 14.17 Close‐up view reveals inversion of the lower lip resulting in los...Fig. 14.18 Frontal view of an 84‐year‐old female reconstructed with a radial...Fig. 14.19 Postoperative view of a vascular free flap reconstruction to prev...

15 Chapter 15Fig. 15.1. Pectoralis (PEC) major flap separation from recipient site, due t...Fig. 15.2. A case of forehead basal cell carcinoma that was managed with ell...Fig. 15.3. (a) Case of cutaneous basal cell carcinoma (BCC) that underwent e...Fig. 15.4. (a) Cervicofacial advancement flap was showing signs of tension o...Fig. 15.5. (a) Wound dehiscence of a near‐total lower lip reconstruction usi...Fig. 15.6. Basal cell carcinoma of the forehead. (a) Planned surgical resect...Fig. 15.7. (a) Melanoma of the cheek. (b) A 5‐mm margin is taken circumferen...Fig. 15.8. (a) Case of recurrent cutaneous scalp squamous cell carcinoma (SC...Figure 15.9 (a) Final results from an anterolateral thigh (ALT) flap for lar...

16 Chapter 16Fig. 16.1. Osteonecrosis of the jaw and pathological fracture status after o...Fig. 16.2. Nasogastric tube recoiled back at the esophagus and coming back t...Fig. 16.3. Right pneumothorax following rib harvest.Fig. 16.4. Postoperative fibula flap with early screw failure, plate fractur...Fig. 16.5. Plate exposure in an anterior mandibular defect reconstruction.

17 Chapter 17Fig. 17.1. (a) Near‐total flap loss of a pectoralis major myocutaneous flap ...Fig. 17.2. (a) Partial flap loss at most distal end of scalp rotational flap...Fig. 17.3. Fistula formation on the left side cause by partial flap loss of ...Fig. 17.4. Placement of V.A.C.® Therapy to the neck for closure of partial s...Fig. 17.5. (a) Massive hematoma after neck dissection causing dysphagia, dys...Fig. 17.6. (a) Mild free flap congestion due to neck hematoma. (b) Coagulate...Fig. 17.7. Near‐complete skin paddle loss of pectoralis major flap; underlyi...Fig. 17.8. Submental island flap demonstrating the preservation of the facia...Fig. 17.9. Paramedian forehead flap.Fig. 17.10. (a) Buccal fat flap harvested and inserted in posterior maxillar...

18 Chapter 18Fig. 18.1. (a) Radial forearm free flap harvest with the cephalic vein to im...Fig. 18.2. (a) Radial forearm free flap donor site with exposed tendon after...Fig. 18.3. (a, b) Fibula free flap harvest.Fig. 18.4. Fibula free flap skin paddle compromise due to venous congestion....Fig. 18.5. (a) Healing of a composite scapula flap site; note the initial mo...Fig. 18.6. (a) Intraoral radial forearm free flap compromise due to arterial...Fig. 18.7. (a) Latissimus dorsi free flap at postoperative day 0. (b) Note t...Fig. 18.8. Leech therapy for venous congestion of a free flap reconstruction...

19 Chapter 19Fig. 19.1. Panoramic radiograph demonstrating rampant caries post‐RT for T4a...Fig. 19.2. Intraoral photo demonstrating inability to open mouth (trismus) p...Fig. 19.3. 3D imaging findings of osteolytic nonspecific changes and periost...Fig. 19.4. Panoramic radiograph demonstrating osteolytic nonspecific bone ch...

20 Chapter 20Fig. 20.1. Spontaneous nerve regeneration.Fig. 20.2. Parachute nerve repair technique.Fig. 20.3. Nerve‐sharing technique. (a) Immediate nerve‐sharing procedure be...Fig. 20.4. Lateral window decortication.Fig. 20.5. Inadequate resection of neuromatous scar tissue. (a) Inadequate r...Fig. 20.6. Tension on nerve repair site and fascicular malalignment. (a) Dir...Fig. 20.7. Surgical nerve guide. (a) Virtual surgical planning (VSP) is used...Fig. 20.8. Sural nerve graft. (a) Left sural nerve harvest via a small incis...Fig. 20.9. VSP for nerve grafting.

21 Chapter 21Fig. 21.1 Highly specialized oral retractors allow for access to the orophar...Fig. 21.2 Postresection of the tonsil and tonsillar fossa. The underlying fa...Fig. 21.3 Prolonged tongue compression can result in tongue edema or necrosi...Fig. 21.4 Ligation of the lingual artery. Care is taken to retract and prote...Fig. 21.5 Preoperative computed tomography (CT) imaging demonstrates the abe...Fig. 21.6 Resection of the tongue base and the proximity of the endotracheal...Fig. 21.7 Tonsillar fossa and base of tongue resection for HPV‐positive squa...

22 Chapter 22Fig. 22.1. Total blockage of the Wharton duct. Axial (a) and coronal (b) Mul...Fig. 22.2. Sialendoscopic view of a duct perforation. Please note the amorph...Fig. 22.3. Immediate postoperative submandibular swelling. The patient must ...Fig. 22.4. Postoperative ranula (a) is usually treated first with unroofing ...Fig. 22.5. Repair of lingual nerve damage. The lingual nerve overlaps with t...Fig. 22.6. Postoperative hematoma. The hematoma should not be drained. The p...

23 Chapter 23Fig. 23.1 Mucocele examples a) small mucocele. b) large diffuse mucocele.Fig. 23.2 (a, b) PA palate tumor outline.Fig. 23.3 Oroantral fistula.Fig. 23.4 Palatal flap for immediate repair.Fig. 23.5 Buccal fat pad flap for fistula repair.Fig. 23.6 Salivary gland neoplasm of the buccal mucosa in the vicinity of th...Fig. 23.7 Sialolith at the ductal opening.Fig. 23.8 Axial cut computed tomography (CT) scan of sialolith within the gl...Fig. 23.9 Intraoral photo of duct and lingual nerve relationship at the ante...Fig. 23.10 Intraoral photo of ranula.Fig. 23.11 (a) Sagittal cut CT, (b) axial cut CT scans, and (c) facial image...

Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery

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