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1 For pop culture resources and philosophical resources related to this chapter please visit the website for this book: https://introducingphilosophythroughpopculture.com.

2 Plato (1981). Apology . In: Five Dialogues: Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Meno, Phaedo (trans. G.M.A. Grube). Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing . Also see Xenophon (1965). Recollections of Socrates, and Socrates' Defense before the Jury (trans. A. Benjamin). Indianapolis: Bobbs‐Merrill.

3 Apology, 30.

4 Apology, 28–29.

5 H. Arendt (2003). Personal responsibility under dictatorship. In: Responsibility and Judgment , 40–41. New York: Schocken.

6 Arendt, 49.

7 See Plato (1991). The Republic of Plato (trans. D. Bloom). New York: Basic Books ; Aristotle (1999). Nicomachean Ethics , (trans. T. Irwin). Indianapolis, IN: Hackett Publishing .

8 Apology, 41.

9 Arendt, H. (1964). Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil , 135–150. New York: Viking Press .

10 10 Arendt, Some questions of moral philosophy. In: Responsibility and Judgment, 96–7.

11 11 I owe this insight to Kyle Giroux.

12 12 See Freud, S. (1965). The Interpretation of Dreams , 156–166. New York: Avon Books.

13 13 For more on this issue, see Lear, J. (1990). Love and Its Place in Nature: A Philosophical Interpretation of Freudian Psychoanalysis . New York: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux .

14 14 Freud (1993). Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious (trans. A.A. Brill), 261–73. New York: Dover.

15 15 My thanks to Kyle Giroux for his work as a “South Park consultant” and his suggestions for ways to update this version. Additional thanks to Keith Wilde and Nicole Merola for their comments and suggestions on this essay, and to numerous students from Endicott College for their discussions of an earlier version of the essay. Errors remain my own.

Introducing Philosophy Through Pop Culture

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