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1 Has a history of being raised in an alcoholic home, which resulted in having experienced emotional abandonment, role confusion, abuse, and a chaotic, unpredictable environment.

2 Has a history of unresolved childhood trauma caused by family addiction.

3 Reports an inability to trust others, share feelings, or talk openly about self.

4 Demonstrates an overconcern with the welfare of other people.

5 Passively submits to the wishes, wants, and needs of others; is too eager to please others.

6 Verbalizes chronic fear of interpersonal abandonment and desperately clings to relationships that can be destructive.

7 Tells other people what they think the other persons want to hear, rather than telling the truth.

8 Verbalizes persistent feelings of worthlessness and a belief that being treated with disrespect and shame is normal and to be expected.

9 Verbalizes feeling unwanted, unimportant, or unloved due to experiences of abandonment and abuse.

10 Reports strong feelings of panic and helplessness when faced with being alone.

11 Tries to fix other people before concentrating on his/her/their own needs.

12 Takes on the parental role in a relationship.

13 Reports feeling less worthy than those who have more stable lives.







The Addiction Treatment Planner

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