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1 Has a history of breaking the rules or the law (often under the influence of drugs or alcohol) to get his/her/their own way.

2 Exhibits a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others.

3 Substance use exacerbates antisocial behavior patterns such as criminal activity, aggression and intimidation, thrill seeking, impulsivity, and self-centeredness.

4 Consistently blames other people for his/her/their own problems and behaviors.

5 Uses aggressive behavior to manipulate, intimidate, or control others.

6 Demonstrates a chronic pattern of dishonesty.

7 Lives a hedonistic, self-centered lifestyle, with little regard for the needs and welfare of others.

8 Verbalizes a lack of empathy for the feelings of others, even if they are friends or family.

9 Presents a pattern of criminal activity and addiction, going back to the client's adolescent years.

10 Engages in dangerous, thrill-seeking behavior, without regard for the safety of self or others.

11 Makes decisions impulsively, without giving thought to the consequences for others.







The Addiction Treatment Planner

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