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Practical Resources for Pedagogy and Research


Derwing, T. M. & Munro, M. J. (2015). Pronunciation fundamentals: Evidence-based perspectives for L2 teaching and research. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

This book covers the how, why, and when of teaching pronunciation by examining empirical research outcomes and making pedagogical recommendations.

Jones, T. (Ed.) (2016). Pronunciation in the classroom: The overlooked essential. Alexandria, Virginia: TESOL Press.

The chapters in this edited volume are written by well-known experts. They discuss the integration of pronunciation teaching within several other linguistic foci such as vocabulary, listening and speaking, presentations skills, grammar, reading, spelling, and punctuation.

Levis, J. M. (2018). Intelligibility, oral communication, and the teaching of pronunciation. Cambridge University Press.

The field of pronunciation teaching has swung from an unnecessary focus on accuracy to a more reasonable goal of intelligibility. This volume is the most in-depth examination of intelligibility and how it matters to pronunciation.

Journal of Second Language Pronunciation. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

This triannual journal is the go-to site for top pronunciation researchers. The journal welcomes submissions that integrate research and practice.

PSLLT Proceedings

The Proceedings of the Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching Conference are freely available: https://apling.engl.iastate.edu/conferences/pronunciation-in-second-language-learning-and-teaching-conference/psllt-archive.

Each Proceedings has a section on Teaching Tips, contributed by expert practitioners, with clear, step-by-step directions for activities, along with the rationale for each. Every issue of the Proceedings also has several short, accessible articles on pronunciation teaching, often with suggestions for activities.


This website is intended to assist language teachers by offering short, accessible essays on key concepts in pronunciation and pointing to several resources and activities that could be incorporated into any language class.

Second Language Pronunciation

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