Читать книгу Contemporary Sociological Theory - Группа авторов - Страница 66
Оглавление1 1. This definition includes all profit–making firms but is not limited to them: non–profit groups, like universities, also market goods, such as education, to given publics.
2 2. I ignore the fact that the nomads’ productivity will increase under secure conditions, so that the cost of protection will in future consume a smaller proportion of their total resources. This might, of course, be offset by increased population.
3 3. If control is required in all groups, then what is the difference between compensation and obligation as means of assuring production? Compensation is based upon a strict quid pro quo, and the agent is paid for each compliant act. In obligatory groups, however, there is no quid pro quo: compliance is expected of members and, as such, merits no special attention or reward.