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Оглавление1 1 See Danto 1981.
2 2 See Wollheim 2012.
3 3 These cases are due to James Rachels (see Rachels 1975).
4 4 It is also possible that, as Wollheim says in the case of art and non-art, it is because killing and letting die differ per se that a particular killing is morally equivalent to a particular letting die. For more on this see Kamm 1996.
5 5 Danto 1974.
6 6 Oddly, Danto goes on to say that despite assassination’s “categorical extremity” it is not really “beyond good and evil” and it is not true “that nothing morally useful can be said about political assassination” (Danto 1974, 434–5).
7 7 Some of what I say here is based on my discussion of torture in Kamm 2011.
8 8 See Nagel 2012, 74. However, it may rather be true that one of the acts is right even though it wrongs someone. For example, I have argued that even though it is permissible to turn a trolley from five toward one other person, that person may be wronged by our doing this. See, for example, my discussion in Kamm 2016.
9 9 See Kamm 2011 for additional steps in the argument.