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1.7 Conclusion
ОглавлениеIf we look back in the timeline, we would realize that AI that we are living today was just a part of science fiction movies some years ago. Today, AI has become an inseparable part of our lives and it has made its space in almost all the spheres we can think of, right from business, banking, health, aviation to marketing, and now is slowly paving its way in the sphere of academics. AI in education is playing a significant role in augmenting teaching and learning. AI learning platforms facilitate autonomous learning, provides flexibility of space, pace, and time. Further, it facilitates personalized learning focusing on the learners’ interest areas and considering the factors such as strengths, weaknesses, interests, and cultural background. AI-integrated online learning has augmented second language education across the globe manifolds.
Despite of AI having an enormous potential of enhancing the teaching and learning of foreign or second language, it still have certain challenges which need to be addressed. According to Lovett, despite advances in translation technology, there have been questions regarding Google Translate’s grammatical accuracy and how it might be impacting the learner’s process of building proficiency [34]. Furthermore, NLP is a complicated process, and accurately capturing all linguistic information is difficult. Further, the voice recognition also needs adjustments as sometimes it cannot understand heavy accents, articulation speech impediments, and soft voices. Therefore, further studies can be done to identify the solutions to the above stated problems. In addition, further research can also be done to identify the impact of AI on personalized learning, the grammar of the target language and on the proficiency of the language learnt. Moreover, a study on assessing the efficiency of AI on grading and evaluation can also be done.
AI is slowly paving its way into the sphere of academics through various technologies like Machine Learning and NLP, and it is surely going to foster the teaching and learning of second and foreign languages in the days to come.