Читать книгу Handbook on Intelligent Healthcare Analytics - Группа авторов - Страница 35
Оглавление1. Chan, P.K.M., A New Methodology for the Development of Simulation Workflows. Moving Beyond MOKA, Master of Science thesis, TU Delft, Delft, 2013.
2. Cooper, D.J. and Smith, D.F., A Timely Knowledge-Based Engineering Platform for Collaborative Engineering and Multidisciplinary Optimization of Robust Affordable Systems. International Lisp Conference 2005, Stanford University, Stanford, 2005.
3. Cottrell, J.A., Hughes, T.J.R., Basilevs, Y., Isogeometric Analysis: Towards Integration of CAD and FEA, John Wiley & Sons Inc, Chichester, 2009.
4. Graham, P., ANSI Common Lisp, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, Prentice Hall, 107, 384–389, 1995.
5. La Rocca, G., Knowledge Based Engineering: Between AI and CAD. Review of a Language Based Technology to Support Engineering Design. Adv. Eng. Inform., 26, 2, 159–179, 2012.
6. Lovett, J., Ingram, A., Bancroft, C.N., Knowledge Based Engineering for SMEs: A Methodology. J. Mater. Process. Technol., 107, 384–389, 2000.
7. Mcgoey, P. J., A Hitch-hikers Guide to: Knowledge-Based Engineering in Aerospace (& other Industries). INCOSE Enchantment Chapter, 2011. Available at: http://www.incose.org/. 1, 117–121.
8. Milton, N., Knowledge Technologies, Polimetrica, Monza, 2008.
1 *Corresponding author: d.karthi666@gmail.com
2 †Corresponding author: kalairaghu.scs@velsuniv.ac.in