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Further Reading
ОглавлениеBecause lyric is but a small segment of the corpus of literary papyri, and literary papyri but a small segment of the corpus of papyri, many of the following suggestions consider aspects of papyrology more broadly. Turner 1968 remains a standard introduction, now richly supplemented by Bagnall 2009; on archaic poetry in particular see Haslam 1994. The history (and future) of the discipline are addressed by van Minnen 1993 and 2007; field reports from Oxyrhynchus are reproduced in Grenfell and Hunt 2007. On digital papyrology see Reggiani 2017 and 2018. Comprehensive studies of book hands of different periods are Turner 1971 as well as Cavallo and Maehler 1987 and 2008; on the bookrolls and scribes from Oxyrhynchus, specifically, see Johnson 2004. An illustrated database of palaeography, from papyri with internally established dates, can be searched online at www.pappal.info. Scholarship is a complex topic: McNamee 1992 and 2007 treat sigla and annotations, respectively; the corpus of ancient scholarship on individual authors is now in the process of being published in the CLGP; on accentuation see Probert 2003 (esp. §301–319, pp. 158–168). Ethics, the law, and the antiquities trade are subjects of Hagen and Ryholt 2016, Davoli 2008, Mazza 2015, 2018, and 2019. Fearn 2010 contextualizes the specific case of Bacchylides in terms of the imperialism and colonialism of the age. For an example of museum archaeology illuminating a group of papyri see Nongbri 2017. On criminal activity in the modern antiquities trade, see especially Watson and Todeschini 2006. For signatories to the UNESCO Convention (with dates), see http://www.unesco.org/eri/la/convention.asp?KO=13039&language=E.asp?KO=13039&language=E . The various statements regarding professional ethics should also be listed: the Archaeological Institute of America (https://www.archaeological.org/pdfs/AIA_Code_of_EthicsA5S.pdf), the Society for Classical Studies (https://classicalstudies.org/about/scs-statement-professional-ethics), the American Society of Papyrologists (http://www.papyrology.org/resolutions.html), and recommendations of the Association Internationale de Papyrologues’ Working Party on the Commerce in Papyri (https://www2.ulb.ac.be/assoc/aip/recomcommerce.html). On the history of the Lille Stesichorus see Jouget 1901 and Meillier 1976.