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Table of Contents
Оглавление1 Cover
7 Foreword
8 Preface
10 Acronyms
11 PART I: Cloud Computing Architecture 1 BASICS OF CLOUD COMPUTING 1.1 Evolution of Cloud Computing 1.2 Cluster Computing 1.3 Grid Computing 1.4 Mobile Computing 1.5 Summary EXERCISES References 2 INTRODUCTION TO CLOUD COMPUTING 2.1 Definition of Cloud Computing 2.2 Characteristics of Cloud 2.3 Cloud Computing Environment 2.4 Cloud Services 2.5 Security Paradigms and Issues of Cloud Computing 2.6 Major Cloud Service Providers 2.7 Summary EXERCISES References 3 ARCHITECTURAL FRAMEWORK FOR CLOUD COMPUTING 3.1 Challenges of Cloud Computing Environment 3.2 Architectural Framework for Cloud Computing 3.3 Architectural Workflow and Co-ordination of Multiple Activities 3.4 Examples of Workflow Tools 3.5 Summary EXERCISES References 4 VIRTUALIZATION ENVIRONMENT IN CLOUD COMPUTING 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Virtualization and Virtual Machine 4.3 Virtualization Model for Cloud Computing 4.4 Categorization of Guest OS Virtualization Techniques 4.5 Mapping Technique of Virtual Machine to Physical Machine in a Private Cloud 4.6 Drawbacks of Virtualization 4.7 Summary EXERCISES References 5 CLASSIFICATION OF VIRTUALIZATION ENVIRONMENT 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Classification 5.3 Summary EXERCISES References
12 PART II: Cloud Computing Data Storage 6 AN APPROACH TO LIVE MIGRATION OF VIRTUAL MACHINES IN CLOUD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Need of Live Migration of Virtual Machine 6.3 Advantages of Live Migration 6.4 A Design Approach to Live Migration 6.5 Security Issues 6.6 Summary EXERCISES References 7 RELIABILITY ISSUES IN CLOUD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Literature Review 7.3 Reliability Issues in Cloud Computing Research 7.4 Findings 7.5 Summary EXERCISES References 8 CLOUD DATABASE 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Non-Relational Data Models 8.3 Heterogeneous Databases in DaaS 8.4 Study of a Document-Oriented Cloud Database - MongoDB 8.5 CAP Theorem for Cloud Database Transaction 8.6 Issues in Live Migration of Databases in Cloud 8.7 Cloud Database Classification Based on Transaction Processing 8.8 Commercially Available Cloud Database Platform 8.9 Summary EXERCISES References 9 CLOUD-BASED DATA STORAGE 9.1 Relevant Hadoop Tools 9.2 Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) 9.3 Data Mining Challenges with Big Data 9.4 MapReduce 9.5 Next Generation of MapReduce: YARN 9.6 Classification of Data Mining Systems 9.7 Summary EXERCISES References 10 AUDITING CONCEPT IN CLOUD COMPUTING 10.1 Introduction 10.2 Data Security in Cloud Computing Environment 10.3 Cloud Auditing Outsourcing Life Cycle Phases 10.4 Auditing Classification 10.5 Auditing Service 10.6 Summary EXERCISES References
13 PART III: Cloud Computing Implementation, Security and Application 11 SECURITY PARADIGMS IN CLOUD COMPUTING 11.1 Security Paradigms and Issues 11.2 Cloud Security Challenges 11.3 Cloud Economics 11.4 Security of Big Data in Cloud 11.5 Security as a Service in Cloud 11.6 Summary EXERCISES References 12 PRIVACY PRESERVATION ISSUES IN CLOUD COMPUTING 12.1 Privacy Issues in Cloud Storage 12.2 Privacy and Security 12.3 Threats to Security in Cloud Computing 12.4 Security Issues in Cloud Deployment Models 12.5 Ensuring Security Against Various Types of Attacks 12.6 Survey of Privacy Preservation Using Fuzzy Set and Genetic Algorithm 12.7 Summary EXERCISES References 13 APPLICATIONS OF WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORK IN CLOUD 13.1 Introduction 13.2 Architectural Issues of Combining Cloud Computing and Wireless Sensor Networks 13.3 Sensor Network Overview 13.4 Application Scenarios 13.5 Summary EXERCISES References 14 APPLICATIONS OF MOBILE CLOUD COMPUTING 14.1 What is Mobile Cloud Computing? 14.2 The Architecture of Mobile Cloud Computing 14.3 Characteristics of Mobile Cloud Computing 14.4 Advantages of Mobile Cloud Computing 14.5 Mobile Cloud Applications 14.6 Summary EXERCISES References 15 BIG DATA IN CLOUD COMPUTING 15.1 Introduction to Big Data 15.2 Big Data vs. Cloud Computing 15.3 Big Data and the Cloud 15.4 Cloud Computing to Support Big Data 15.5 Opportunities and Challenges 15.6 Summary EXERCISES References
14 PART IV: Cloud Computing Simulator Tools 16 CLOUDSIM: A SIMULATOR FOR CLOUD COMPUTING ENVIRONMENT 16.1 Introduction 16.2 Main Features 16.3 CloudSim Architecture 16.4 Design and Implementation of CloudSim 16.5 Setting up Development Environments 16.6 How to Use CloudSim with Eclipse References 17 OPENFAAS 17.1 Introduction 17.2 OpenFaaS Architecture 17.3 OpenFaaS Installation 17.4 Considerations 17.5 Operation of OpenFaaS References 18 OPENNEBULA 18.1 Project Goal and Environment 18.2 Set Up Masternode with Frontend 18.3 Set Up Worker Node with KVM 18.4 Register Worker Node 18.5 Deploy VM References 19 OPENSTACK 19.1 OpenStack 19.2 Terminologies in OpenStack 19.3 OpenStack Architecture 19.4 Logical Architecture 19.5 OpenStack Installation Guide 19.6 OpenStack Work References 20 EUCALYPTUS 20.1 Introduction to Eucalyptus 20.2 Eucalyptus Installation 20.3 Configure Eucalyptus 20.4 Amazon Web Services Compatibility References
15 Glossary
16 Authors