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“Net-Zero” and Beyond for Cities
ОглавлениеIn a refreshed and robust definition, a strategy for “Net-Zero” GHG emissions earns its capital letters if it is: Fully Scoped, Science-Based, Paris-Agreement-Compliant, and Cumulative. Each descriptive term imparts a dimension of clarity. “Net-Zero” can be a powerful and useful goal at the city level if the city embraces a concept of “Net-Zero” that is:
1 Fully Scoped: articulating the city’s defined scope of responsibility. This should include all GHG emissions from scope 1 (GHG emissions from sources located within the city boundary); scope 2 (GHG emissions occurring as a consequence of the use of grid-supplied electricity, heat, steam, and/or cooling within the city boundary); and scope 3 (all other GHG emissions that occur outside the city boundary as a result of activities taking place within the city boundary).4
2 Science-Based: incorporating a destination-based5 target for “Net-Zero” that demonstrates the city is assuming bold, appropriate responsibility for emissions reductions consistent with the Paris Agreement and at least proportional to its contribution to climate change.6
3 Paris-Agreement-Compliant: specifying if and to what extent carbon credits and external investments in carbon removal factor into the strategy. Any offsetting investments should be linked to the global carbon budget as defined in the Paris Agreement.
4 Cumulative: acknowledging the city’s historical emissions of GHGs, not just their current level.