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Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture


This series offers comprehensive, newly written surveys of key periods and movements and certain major authors, in English literary culture and history. Extensive volumes provide new perspectives and positions on contexts and on canonical and postcanonical texts, orientating the beginning student in new fields of study and providing the experienced undergraduate and new graduate with current and new directions, as pioneered and developed by leading scholars in the field.

Published Recently

78. A Companion to American Literary Studies Edited by Caroline F. Levander and Robert S. Levine
79. A New Companion to the Gothic Edited by David Punter
80. A Companion to the American Novel Edited by Alfred Bendixen
81. A Companion to Literature, Film, and Adaptation Edited by Deborah Cartmell
82. A Companion to George Eliot Edited by Amanda Anderson and Harry E. Shaw
83. A Companion to Creative Writing Edited by Graeme Harper
84. A Companion to British Literature, 4 volumes Edited by Robert DeMaria, Jr., Heesok Chang, and Samantha Zacher
85. A Companion to American Gothic Edited by Charles L. Crow
86. A Companion to Translation Studies Edited by Sandra Bermann and Catherine Porter
87. A New Companion to Victorian Literature and Culture Edited by Herbert F. Tucker
88. A Companion to Modernist Poetry Edited by David E. Chinitz and Gail McDonald
89. A Companion to J. R. R. Tolkien, SecondEdition Edited by Stuart D. Lee
90. A Companion to the English Novel Edited by Stephen Arata, Madigan Haley, J. Paul Hunter, and Jennifer Wicke
91. A Companion to the Harlem Renaissance Edited by Cherene Sherrard‐Johnson
92. A Companion to Modern Chinese Literature Edited by Yingjin Zhang
93. A New Companion to Digital Humanities Edited by Susan Schreibman, Ray Siemens, and John Unsworth
94. A Companion to Virginia Woolf Edited by Jessica Berman
95. A New Companion to Milton Edited by Thomas Corns
96. A Companion to the Brontës Edited by Diane Long Hoeveler and Deborah Denenholz Morse
97. A Feminist Companion to Shakespeare, Second Edition Edited by Dympna Callaghan
98. A New Companion to Renaissance Drama Edited by Arthur F. Kinney and Thomas Hopper
99. A Companion to Literary Theory Edited by David Richter
100. A Companion to Literary Biography Edited by Richard Bradford
101. A New Companion to Chaucer Edited by Peter Brown
102. A Companion to African Literatures Edited by Olakunle George
103. A Companion to the Global Renaissance Edited by Jyotsna G. Singh
A Companion to Latin American Literature and Culture

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