Читать книгу Alive - Gubat Abdullaev - Страница 14

It’s not wrong


Who does not go all in,

Who does not risk, who is afraid.

Whom you can’t whip,

Not podzadorish

Who does not accept impropriety,

They eschew.

Who does not dare

With the fate of an agreement.

Who cares what they think

What will they say, in other words

Rumor is afraid.

Who suits

Any alignment of events

Who is not in a hurry to change it,

Does not want to rush.

Who lies to himself

What others have is no better.

Who to change

Not committed.

Who forever stuck

In the choking swamp

And scoffs at those

Who can not sit on better.

Not insulting.

It is not insulting.

Disappointed, really…

I’m tired…

Here come back, quite obviously

Nothing left for you:

Not a bit, not a drop, not a crumb,

From myself to save failed

Well she after the echoing bombing.

Not dead, but completely numb.

And she was deaf from the explosions

And blind from the tears of waterfalls,

And does not believe the words are false

Pathetic scum, scum and reptiles.


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