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Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology


Infectious and Parasitic Dermatoses

A myriad of microbes live in us, on us, and around us in a symbiotic or parasitic relationship, fighting with our local cutaneous or systemic defense mechanisms. Without claim of being comprehensive or of following standard biologic taxonomies, this third volume on clinical dermatopathology contains more than 100 infectious and parasitic dermatoses, the clinical features (CFs) and histological features (HFs) of which are described with short concise text and information in bullet‐point style. They are illustrated in over 600 high‐resolution pictures with annotations. A final chapter deals with sepsis.

Since CFs and HFs are nonspecific in many cases, searching for bacterial or fungal pathogens using special stains, microbiologic cultures, or PCR probes may be helpful tools in confirming the diagnosis.


Günter Burg

Associate Editors

Heinz Kutzner Werner Kempf Josef Feit Omar Sangueza

Atlas of Clinical Dermatopathology

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