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Table of Contents




The Operator.

To deliver Four Aces, and to convert them into Knaves.


Method of making the Pass.

The Card of Divination.

Another Way.

The Four Confederate Cards.

The Fifteen Thousand Livres.

The Magic Ring.

The Card in the Mirror.

The Marvellous Vase.

The Nerve Trick.

To make the Constable catch the Knave.

To change a Card into a King or Queen.

To tell a Person what Card he took Notice of.

To tell what Card is at the Bottom, when the Pack is shuffled.

Another Way, not having seen the Cards.

To tell, without Confederacy, what Card one thinks of.

To make a Card jump out of the Pack, and run on the Table.

To tell a Card, and to convey the Same into a Nut, or Cherry-Stone.

To let Twenty Gentlemen draw Twenty Cards, and to make one Card every Man’s Card.

To transform the Four Kings into Aces, and afterwards to render them all Blank Cards.

To name all the Cards in the Pack, and yet never see them.

To show any one what Card he takes Notice of.

To tell the Number of Spots on the Bottom Cards, laid down in several Heaps.

To make any two Cards come together which may be named.

Card nailed to the Wall by a Pistol-shot.

To tell what Card one thinks on.

To make a Card jump out of an Egg.

The Little Sportsman.


To pass the Balls through the Cups.

A still more Extraordinary Mode of Playing at Cups and Balls.


To convey Money from one Hand to the Other.

To convert Money into Counters, and the Reverse.

To put a Sixpence into each Hand, and, with Words, bring them together.

To put a Sixpence into a Stranger’s Hand, and another into your own, and to convey both into the Stranger’s Hand with Words.

To show the same Feat otherwise.

To throw a Piece of Money away, and find it again.

To make a Sixpence leap out of a Pot or to run along a Table.

To make a Sixpence sink through a Table, and to vanish out of a Handkerchief.

To know if a Coin be a Head or Woman, and the Party to stand in another Room.

To command Seven Halfpence through the Table.

To command a Sixpence out of a Box.

To blow a Sixpence out of another Man’s Hand.

To make a Ring shift from one Hand to another, and to make it go on whatever Finger is required, while Somebody holds both Arms.

To Transfer a Counter into a Silver Groat.

To make a Silver Twopence be plain in the Palm of your Hand, and be passed from thence wherever you like.

To convey a Sixpence out of the Hand of one that holds it fast.

To convey a Shilling from one Hand into another, holding your Hands apart.

To transform any small Thing into any other Form, by holding of Paper.

Another Trick of the same Nature.

A Watch recovered after being beaten to Pieces in a Mortar.


The Egg-Box.

The Penetrative Guinea.

The Chest which opens at Command.

The Melting-Box.

Trick upon the Globe-Box.

Trick with the Funnel.

The Magical Bell and Bushel.

Out of an Empty Bag to bring upwards of an Hundred Eggs; and, afterwards, a living Fowl.

Bonus Genius; or, Hiccius Doctius.

To make a Knife leap out of a Pot.

To turn a Box of Bird-seed into a living Bird.


To produce a Carmine Red Flame.

An Orange-coloured Flame.

To make Balloons with Soap and Water that catch Fire and detonate.

A Brilliant Blue Flame.

An Emerald Green Flame.

Loud Detonations, like the Discharge of Artillery.

A Well of Fire.

To make a Room seem all on Fire.

To walk on a hot Iron Bar, without Danger of Burning.

To Eat Fire, and blow it up in your Mouth with a Pair of Bellows.

To Light a Candle by a Glass of Water.

Fulminating Powder.

To set fire to a Combustible Body by the Reflection of two concave Mirrors.

To give the Faces of the Company the Appearance of Death.

To dispose two little Figures, so that one shall light a Candle, and the other put it out.

To construct a Lantern which will enable a Person to read by Night, at a great Distance.


To cut a Lace asunder in the Middle, and to make it whole again.

To burn a Thread and make it Whole again with the Ashes.

To pull many Yards of Ribbon out of the Mouth.

To cut a Piece of Tape into four Parts, and make it Whole again with Words.

To unloose a Knot upon a Handkerchief by Words.

To draw a Cord through the Nose.

To take three Button-Moulds off a String.


The Multiplying Mirror.

The Magic-Lantern.

The Phantascope.

The Enchanted Mirrors.

The Wonderful Phantoms.

The Real Apparition.

To draw a Deformed Figure, which will appear well proportioned from a certain Point of View.


To change the Colour of a Rose.

To turn Water into Wine.

Arbor Dianæ; or, the Silver Tree.

The Lead Tree.

The Tree of Mars.

To form a Metallic Tree, in the Shape of a Fir.

To make a Gold or Silver Tree, to serve as a Chimney Ornament.

Sympathetic or Secret Inks.

Preparation of Green Sympathetic Ink.

Blue Sympathetic Ink.

Yellow Sympathetic Ink.

Purple Sympathetic Ink.

Rose-coloured Sympathetic Ink.

Application of the Secret Inks.

A Drawing which alternately represents Winter and Summer Scenes.

Demonstration of the various Strata of Earth which cover the Globe.

To freeze Water in the Midst of Summer, without the Application of Ice.


To swallow a long Pudding made of Tin.

An Artificial Spider.

To pass a Ring through your Cheek.

To cut a Hole in a Cloak, Scarf, or Handkerchief, and by Words to make it whole again.

The Dancing Egg.

To make Three Figures dance in a Glass.

To shoot a Swallow, and to bring him to Life again.

Singular Trick with a Fowl.

To put a Lock upon a Man’s Mouth.

To thrust a Bodkin into the Forehead, without Hurt.

To thrust a Bodkin through your Tongue.

To appear to cut your Arm off, without Hurt or Danger.

Tricks with a Cat.

To make a Calf’s Head bellow, when served up to Table.

To make a Ball rise above the Water.

Mode of sealing Letters, whereby an impression cannot be taken.

The Enchanted Egg.

To cut a Man’s Head off, and to put it into a Platter, a Yard from the Body.

To cause Beer to be wrung out of the Handle of a Knife.

To cut a Glass by Heat.

The Juggler's Oracle; or, The Whole Art of Legerdemain Laid Open

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