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“You should at least have one last fling before settling down.”

“A fling?” she repeated suspiciously. “I don’t have flings.”

“What? Never?”

“You mean like a one-night stand with a complete stranger? No. No way.”

“Not a one-night stand with a stranger. Just a fling with someone you’re attracted to—without attaching forever after, babies and a fiftieth wedding anniversary to the package.”

Her eyes narrowed. “Can’t I have a fling with someone I’m attracted to—and attach the whole package, too?”

“Sure. If you find one.”

“Good. Let’s just work on that, then.”

“Okay. You’re the boss. But I still think a fling is just what you need.”

Interesting suggestion, Tom, his conscience taunted. And just who did you have in mind for her “last fling”?

Shut up, he told himself.

Mission: Marriage

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