Читать книгу Nine-tenths of the Law - Hannah Dobbz - Страница 4

Table of Contents


Timeline g

Introduction 1

Chapter One:

And Then There Were None: Indigenous Land Struggles and the

Problem of Ownership 13

Chapter Two:

“Scattering the Seeds of Discord, Misery, and Insurrection

with Both Hands”: Land Distribution and Resistance in the

Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries 33

Chapter Three:

Junkspace and Its Discontents: A Modern History of

Urban Housing 63

Chapter Four:

The Rendering Scarce: Squatters in the Foreclosure Age 113

Chapter Five

Surreal Estate: Adverse Possession and Other Tales of

Squatter’s “Rights” 141

Chapter Six:

Outrunning the White Elephant: A Thoughtful Approach

to Homeownership 163

Chapter Seven:

Equitable Living without Equity: Housing Cooperatives and

Land Trusts 177

Chapter Eight:

The Stories of Spaces: Urban Planning and the Wonder of

Used Places 197

Conclusion 211

Appendix A: Property Research 231

Appendix B: Property Laws for Defending an Occupation 238

Appendix C: Organizing for Occupation’s Tips 4 Squatting 245

Appendix D: Glossary 255

Appendix E: Adverse Possession Code, State by State 257

Notes 261

Index 285

Nine-tenths of the Law

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