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We were shown a beautiful specimen of the ingenuity of birds, a few days since, by Dr. Cook, of this borough. It was a birdsnest made entirely of silver wires, beautifully woven together. The nest was found on a sycamore tree, on the Condorus, by Dr. Francis Beard, of York county. It was the nest of a hanging-bird; and the material was probably obtained from a soldier’s epaulet, which it had found.

Westchester Village Record.

Spring of 1838.

A stranded soldier’s epaulet,

The waters cast ashore,

A little winged rover met,

And eyed it o’er and o’er.

The silver bright so pleased her sight,

On that lone, idle vest,

She knew not why she should deny

Herself a silver nest.

The shining wire she pecked and twirled;

Then bore it to her bough,

Where, on a flowery twig ’t was curled—

The bird can show you how:—

But, when enough of that bright stuff

The cunning builder bore

Her house to make, she would not take,

Nor did she covet more.

And when the little artisan,

While neither pride nor guilt

Had entered in her pretty plan,

Her resting-place had built;

With here and there a plume to spare,

About her own light form,

Of these, inlaid with skill, she made

A lining soft and warm.

But, do you think the tender brood

She fondled there, and fed,

Were prouder, when they understood

The sheen about their bed?

Do you suppose they ever rose

Of higher powers possessed,

Because they knew they peeped and grew

Within a silver nest?

The Mother's Dream, and Other Poems

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