Читать книгу The National Cook Book, 9th ed - Hannah Mary Peterson - Страница 4

Beef, 15
Veal, 18
Pepper-pot, 17
Chicken, 18
Lamb, 18
Oyster, 19
Clam, 19
Green Corn, 19
Pea, 20
Succotash, 20
Noodles for, 20
Rock, boiled, 21
fried, 22
Cod, boiled, 22
cakes, 23
Shad, spiced, 23
boiled, 23
fried, 24
broiled, 24
baked, 24
roasted on a board, 25
potted, No. 1, 25
No. 2, 26
Halibut, 26
Cat, 27
Potted herring, 27
Pickled oysters, 28
Fried oysters, 28
Stewed oysters, No. 1, 29
No. 2, 29
Scalloped oysters, 29
Oyster fritters, 30
pie, 30
Roasted oysters, 31
Oyster omelette, 31
Stewed clams, 32
Clam fritters, 32
Fried clams, 33
Terrapins, 33
Boiled crabs, 34
Soft crabs, 34
Boiled lobster, 35
Lobster salad, 35
Oyster omelette, 36
Beef, roast, 37
a-la-mode, 38
steaks, 38
steak, fried, 39
smothered, 39
baked and Yorkshire pudding, 39
French stew, No. 1, 40
No. 2, 41
Beef stewed with onions, 41
kidney, stewed, 41
fried, 42
corned, 42
Jewish method of preparing for salting 43
boiled corned, 43
Boiled tongue, 43
Tripe, 43
Veal, roast, 44
pie, plain, 44
pot-pie, 45
fillet of, a-la-mode, 46
fillet of, baked, 46
French stew of, 47
stewed, 47
cutlets, 47
fried with tomatoes, 48
plain fried, 48
spiced, 48
Sweet-breads fried, 49
stewed, 49
boiled, 49
Calves' feet spiced, 49
fried, 50
liver fried, 50
Chitterlings, or Calves' tripe, 51
Lamb, roast leg of, 51
boiled leg of, 52
stewed with onions, 52
Mutton dressed like venison, 52
chops, 52
chops with lemon, 53
Pork, roast, 53
Pig, roast, 54
Pork, stuffed leg of, 55
steaks, 55
leg of, corned and boiled, 55
Spare rib, 56
Soused pig's feet, 56
Scrapple, 57
Hog's-head cheese, 58
Boiled ham, 58
Glazed ham, 59
Sausage meat, 59
Venison, to roast a haunch of, 59
steaks, 60
best way of cooking, 60
Rabbit, roasted, 61
pie, baked, 61
pot-pie, 62
French stewed, 63
fricasseed, 63
smothered, 64
Pigeons, roasted, 64
stewed, 64
Squab, broiled, 65
Pigeon pie, 65
Reed Birds, stewed, No. 1, 65
No. 2, 66
roasted, 67
pie, 67
fried, 67
Turkey, roasted, 68
boiled, 69
Duck, roasted, No. 1, 69
No. 2, 70
Goose, roasted, 70
Giblet pie, 71
Chickens, roasted, 72
pie, 72
pot-pie, 73
broiled, 73
fried, 74
boiled, 74
stewed, 75
Brown fricassee, 75
White fricasseed chicken, 76
Chicken salad, No. 1, 76
No. 2, 77
Potatoes, boiled, No. 1, 78
No. 2, 79
fried, No. 1, 79
No. 2, 80
No. 3, 80
No. 4, 80
Sweet Potatoes, fried, 80
Potatoes, roasted, 81
cakes, 81
kale, 81
salad, 82
sausage, 83
Tomatoes, stewed, 83
fried, 83
baked, 84
scalloped, 84
broiled, 84
dressed as cucumbers, 85
fricandeau, 85
Beets, baked, 85
Egg-plant, No. 1, 86
No. 2, 86
No. 3, 86
No. 4, 87
No. 5, 87
browned, 88
Parsnips, No. 1, 88
No. 2, 88
No. 3, 88
No. 4, 89
stewed, 89
Corn, boiled green, 89
fritters, 89
oysters, 90
Hominy, 90
Sour krout, 91
boiled, 91
Cauliflower, 91
Slaw, cold, 92
hot, 92
Slaw, French, 92
Mushrooms, 93
Spinach, 93
as greens, 93
Dandelion, 94
Squashes or cymlins, 94
Ochras, 94
Carrots, 95
Turnips, 95
Celery dressed as slaw, 95
stewed with lamb, 96
Asparagus, 96
Salad, Dutch, 96
corn, 97
Onions, boiled, 97
Cucumbers, fried, 98
Beans, Lima, 98
Windsor or horse, 98
stringed, 98
boiled dried, 99
Peas, green, 99
Salsify or oyster-plant, No. 1, 100
No. 2, 100
No. 3, 100
No. 4, 101
Sauce, apple, 101
lemon, 101
Yorkshire, 102
nuns' butter, 102
dried peach, 102
cranberry, 103
wine, 103
cream, 104
vegetable, 104
tomato mustard, 105
egg, 105
drawn butter, 105
onion sauce, 106
mint, 106
mushroom, 106
parsley, 107
caper, 107
haslet, 107
horse-radish, 107
French tomato, 108
oyster, 108
tomato, 108
Pickled peppers, 109
mushrooms, No. 1, 110
No. 2, 110
onions, 111
eggs, 111
Chow chow, 112
Pickled walnuts, 112
peaches, 113
beans, 113
mangoes, 114
cucumbers, 115
beets, 117
cherries, 117
Tomato catsup, No. 1, 117
No. 2, 118
Mushroom catsup, 119
Walnut " 119
Pickled nasturtiums, 119
tomatoes, 120
Puff paste, 121
Plain " 122
Common paste, 122
Lemon pudding, No. 1, 122
No. 2, 123
Orange cheese-cake, 123
Lemon "" 124
Curd "" 125
Cottage "" 125
Indian florendines, 126
Rice " 126
Orange pudding, 127
Almond " 127
Cocoa-nut pudding, No. 1, 128
No. 2, 128
Apple pudding, No. 1, 129
No. 2, 130
Plain apple pudding, No. 3, 130
Pumpkin"No. 1, 131
No. 2, 131
Quince pudding, 132
French custard pudding, 133
Potato pudding, 133
Sweet potato pudding, 134
Cranberry tarts, 134
Rhubarb tarts, 134
Ripe peach pie, 134
Peach pot-pie, 135
Quince pie, 135
Plum pie, 135
Quince dumplings, 136
Peach" 136
Apple" 136
Cherry pie, 137
Rhubarb pie, 137
Guernsey pudding, 137
Eve's" 138
French" 139
Sago" 139
French bread pudding, 140
Green corn" 141
Rice cup" 141
Newcastle" 141
Peach baked" 142
Farmer's apple" 142
Rice"No. 1, 143
No. 2, 143
Boiled rice" 144
Rice pudding, with fruit, 144
Rice cups, 144
Plum pudding, 145
Boiled"No. 1, 145
No. 2, 146
Indian boiled pudding, 146
baked" 147
Oxford pudding, 148
College" 149
Blanc mange, 150
Clear blanc mange, 150
Charlotte de Russe, 151
Peach Charlotte, 152
Savoy" 152
Cherry" 153
Rice milk, 153
Rice flummery, 154
Apple floating island, 154
Floating island, 155
Whips, 155
Syllabub, 156
Vanilla cup custard, 156
Hasty pudding, or farmer' rice, 156
Spanish fritters, 157
Apple" 157
Orange" 158
German puffs, 158
Snow custard, 159
Boiled custard, 159
Baked pears, 160
Stewed cherries, 160
Baked apples, 160
Blackberry mush, 160
Rice dumplings, 161
Glazed currants, 161
strawberries, 162
Stewed ripe peaches, 162
Cold custard, 162
Apple cream, 163
Short cake, 163
Muffins, 164
Hard biscuits, 164
Yorkshire biscuits, 165
Potato rolls, 165
Brentford rolls, 166
French" 166
Parsnip cake, 167
Maryland biscuits, 167
Waffles, 168
without yeast, 169
Buckwheat cakes, 169
Rye batter cakes, 170
Guernsey buns, 170
Tottenham muffins, 171
Crumpets, or flannel cakes, 171
Scotch crumpets, 172
Indian fritters, 172
Indian slappers, 173
pone, 174
Johnny or journey cake, 174
Indian light cake, 175
muffins, No. 1, 175
No. 2, 176
meal breakfast cakes, 176
Milk biscuits, 177
Sally Lunn, No. 1, 178
No. 2, 178
Water toast, 179
Milk" 179
Mush cakes, 179
Rice waffles, 180
Buttermilk cakes, 180
Indian Metland, 181
Cream-of-tartar cakes, 181
Fruit or plum cake, No. 1, 183
No. 2, 184
New York plum cake, 185
Pound-cake, No. 1, 186
No. 2, 187
Common pound-cake, 187
Cocoa-nut pound-cake, 188
Indian"" 189
Loaf cake, 189
The National Cook Book, 9th ed

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