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New Girl on the Job would not have come to fruition without the voices of over 100 women, who shared their workplace experiences and insights with me. My deepest gratitude to all those I interviewed.

Thank you to Elisabeth Weed, my amazing agent at Trident Media Group, who believed in this book in its infancy, and for her continued guidance and friendship throughout the process.

An enormous thank you to Alice Peck for teaching me how to make it “sing” and for having the big vision for this book from the very, very beginning.

A number of people provided instrumental help along the way. A huge debt of gratitude and the standing offer to put you all on a retainer one day to:

Dina Epstein, my dear friend and future business partner, for her feedback on an early draft. Jamie Kaufman, the jack of all trades, whose magic touch I don’t know what I do without. Brienne Walsh for setting up the meeting that started it all and, thereby, putting the New Girls’ Network in motion. Jayne Finst for all the material and support. Brooke MacDonald for being such an amazing guinea pig. Colleen Cary for modeling how to find a career not a job.

And finally, gratitude beyond measure to my editor, Danielle Chiotti, for her dedication to this book that never failed to come through with all of her keen editorial suggestions, and for being that rare hybrid: my editor and mentor.

New Girl On The Job

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