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“HE’S a girl!” Laura exclaimed.

Justin snorted. “You get top marks for observation skills, Laura. Why did you think she was a boy?”

“I just assumed she was a boy when I first saw her.” Laura shrugged, staring at “Patrick’s” face. “She looked like a boy to me. I don’t know. It didn’t even occur to me that she might be a girl.”

The little lady’s face scrunched up at this news, and she started crying again. Justin patted her cheek. “There, there,” he soothed the child. “She didn’t mean it. A dress and a bow in your hair and you’ll be as feminine as they get. We’ll get you something pink, promise.” He looked at Laura, gesturing at the baby. “Now that I look at her, it seems obvious that she’s a girl. Those eyes and the long lashes. Obviously a girl.”

“Exactly! Her eyes are the kind reserved for boys, who don’t appreciate them and spend most of their adolescence wondering if they can trim their lashes.” She pointed at him. “You’re a case in point.”

Justin blinked. “I trimmed my lashes?”

“I don’t know about that. But you do have gorgeous eyes.”

Justin looked at her with something unreadable in those dark eyes until she was biting the inside of her cheeks in an effort to keep from blurting out something no doubt as stupid as her last remark. “Uh, thank you,” he said at last and she hurried to change the subject.

“You’re welcome. Now, can we go back to the diaper business?”


Laura rolled up her sleeves and turned her teeth on her lower lip in punishment for having actually gushed over the man’s looks to his face.

Especially the same day he’d called her scrawny.

But there was no time to wallow in bruised pride. There was important work ahead. A diaper had been removed and another one—this one not out of the middle ages—had to be installed in its place.

Procrastinating a minute, she lined up the wet-wipes and lotions, which was tricky since they needed to be within her reach, but out of Patrick’s…Pat’s reach. Then she got to work at washing and drying a bottom that was slightly pink.

“Darn it,” she muttered, feeling guilty. The new diaper was obviously long overdue. “She has a rash. I hope those lotions fix it. Poor thing.” She picked up the three bottles and examined the instructions. “Hey, we can choose between instructions in French, Spanish and Japanese.”

Their Accidental Baby

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