Читать книгу Der schnelle Weg zum Flugfunkzeugnis für IFR - Hans Ulrich Kriens - Страница 8
ОглавлениеE East or eastern longitude
EAT Expected approach time
EEE Error
EET Estimated elapse time
EFAS Electronic flash approach light system
EHF Extremely high frequency (30000 to 300000 MHz
EL Elevation station
ELEV Elevation
ELT Emergency locator transmitter
EM Emission
EMBD Embedded
EMERG Emergency
En English
ENE East-northeast
ENR En-route (AIP Publication)
ENRT En-route
EOBT Estimated off-block time
EQPT Equipment
Es Spanish
ESE East-southeast
EST Estimate or estimated
ETA Estimated time of arrival or estimating arrival
ETD Estimated time of departure or estimating departure
ETO Estimated time over significant point
EUR European Region
Ev Every
EXC Except
EXER Exercise(s) or exercising or to exercise
EXP Expect or expected or expecting
EXTD Extend or extending