Читать книгу Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson - Harold Winfield Kent - Страница 9



Rev. Charles McEwen Hyde, D. D., age 45 (Frontispiece)
The Rev. Dr. Charles M. Hyde, age 58 139
Mary T. Knight Hyde (Mrs. Charles M.), 1893 139
Town House, Brimfield, Massachusetts, erected 1878 140
Congregational Church and Society, Brimfield, Mass., erected 1847 140
Hitchcock Free High School, Brimfield, Massachusetts 140
William Hyde, uncle of C. M. Hyde 141
Charles M. Hyde, pastor of Centre Congregational Church 141
Centre Congregational Church, Haverhill, Mass., about 1865 141
The C. M. Hyde residence on Beretania Street 142
First Honolulu home of the Theological Seminary on King Street 142
North Pacific Missionary Institute on Punchbowl Street 142
Fort Street Congregational Church about 1885 151
The original Central Union Church, Hyde's home church 151
Bishop Memorial Church, dedicated to Mrs. Bishop in 1898 151
Missionary vessel Morning Star III, wrecked in 1884 152
Morning Star IV, launched August 6, 1884 152
Bethel Church & Temperance Fountain, original "foreign" church 153
The first Kaumakapili Church for Hawaiians 153
Charles K. Hyde, second son of the C. M. Hydes 154
Henry K. Hyde, older son of the C. M. Hydes 154
Mrs. Irene Ii Brown-Holloway, ward, lifelong friend of the Hydes 154
Bishop Hall, Kamehameha School for Boys. Erected 1887 251
Punahou Preparatory School on Beretania Street 251
Kawaiahao Seminary's first building 251
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Palama, Honolulu 252
First building of the Honolulu YMCA, Hotel and Alakea Streets 252
Honolulu Library and Reading Room Association 252
The Rev. Mr. Elias Bond of Kohala, Hawaii Island 253
Judge Laurence McCully, Hyde's closest Honolulu friend 253
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reed Bishop, 1866 253
Queen Liliuokalani of Hawaii and Robert Louis Stevenson, 1893 254
Robert Louis Stevenson visiting with King Kalakaua, 1889 254
Bishop Home for Girls, Kalaupapa, Molokai 263
Zigzag trail, Molokai, leading to leper settlement 263
Catholic Chapel at Kalawao built prior to Father Damien's arrival 264
Kanaana Hou Hawaiian (Protestant) Church in Kalaupapa 264
Siloama Hawaiian Church in Kalawao, first in the settlement 264
Father Damien in his early years of work at Kalawao, Molokai 265
Statue of Father Damien by Marisol Escobar 265
Brother Joseph Button at the grave of Father Damien 265
Grave of Charles McEwen Hyde, Oahu Cemetery, Honolulu 266
Dr. Hyde and Mr. Stevenson

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