Читать книгу Covert Cowboy - Harper Allen - Страница 2

Colorado Confidential turns up the heat in the search for the Langworthy baby. There’s a new agent on board to shake up the case and shake down another lead—if he can handle the very cool, very pregnant Marilyn Langworthy…


“I’m pregnant. I’m not going to make a total fool of myself.”

“A fool of yourself? Why would you say that?” Con’s expression was unreadable.

“Because it would be foolish of me to believe the things you say. And I can’t afford to be foolish anymore. I’ll work with you, but that’s as far as it goes.”

“And if I want it to go further, cher?” Emerald eyes narrowed at her. “I’m out of luck is what you’re saying?”

He was the most gorgeous man she’d ever seen, and to pretend she was immune to his brand of sexy Southern charm would be a lie. “A man like you is never at the end of his luck, Con,” she said softly. “I don’t think I’m going to cause you any sleepless nights.”

“You might be surprised at what keeps me awake nights,” Con drawled. “If you want to keep it business between us I’ll do my best. But I don’t guarantee anything.”

Covert Cowboy

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