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I. Egypt and its Faith


»They are extremely religious, and surpass all men in the worship they render to the gods.«


»Wherefore they were highly celebrated by Apollo's oracle (recorded by Porphyrius) and preferred before all other nations for teaching rightly ›that hard and difficult way, that leadeth to God and happiness.‹«

CUDWORTH. Intellectual System, Book I. 4.

»For, as for the uttermost antiquity, which is like Fame that muffles her head, and tells tales, I cannot presume much of it; for I would not willingly imitate the manner of those that describe maps, which when they come to some far countries, whereof they have no knowledge, set down how there be great wastes and deserts there: so I am not apt to affirm that they knew little, because what they knew is little known to us.«

BACON. Interpretation of Nature, ch. V.

Eastern Life

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