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Dear Reader,

Have you ever been stuck in an airport? Several years ago I was stranded at SeaTac. After standing in line for hours, I learned that it would be five days before I could fly home. Fortunately, I didn’t have to spend them in the airport. Others decided not to wait. I watched total strangers form groups and rent cars and vans so they could drive to another airport. I knew that someday I was going to write a book where the hero and heroine did the same thing. Taken by Storm is that book.

After a blizzard cancels their flight, Zoey and her sister’s champion Afghan hound accept a ride with Cam, a handsome Texas brewer. Thus begins their road romance as they battle time, snow and a neurotic dog—and fall in love anyway. I hope you enjoy their adventure!

Best wishes,

Heather MacAllister

www.HeatherMacAllister.com www.Facebook.com/HeatherMacAllisterBooks www.Twitter.com/Heather_Mac

Taken By Storm

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