Читать книгу Glitter, Paint and Homemade Cookies: One Girl's Guide to Surviving Middle School - Heather M.C. Paynter - Страница 8

Chapter 6


Flash forward a few hours later, and I’m feeling much better. I had some time to relax and realize that sometimes I do need to just chill out. Mom and I are on the couch watching escapist TV. I know most would disapprove of our choices, but my mom and I like it. We usually watch popular sitcoms and some reality shows. Some of it is ridiculous; how much money do these people make with these far-fetched scenarios? And the women on the shows are just over the top, with their lifestyles and shopping and what not.

During this time, I also look at my magazines. I like to get ideas and make cutouts for new additions to my locker. Some of them are not my favorites, but I still like a few choice teenage idols as they are called. It’s so funny how every magazine cover looks the same.

The day was long. I’m yawning so I head up to bed. Another day ahead tomorrow and I mentally lay out my clothes for the day. Soft t-shirt with logo on the front, faded jeans, chunky necklace, headband and sneakers minus the footprint. I took a soapy sponge to the canvas and miraculously salvaged them.

I know I’m fortunate. Some of my friends and their parents have had a tough year. Many have moved away and many are hanging in there best they can. My mom and I rent a nice townhouse. It is not nearly as big as the place we used to live in, but it is cozy and nice and we enjoy it. My mom works hard, she is a smart lady and I hope I grow up to be like her. She is a kid at heart, and we laugh together all the time. However, when it comes to night time, she’s all business.

“Time to head upstairs,” she practically barked in my direction. Ok already, don’t have to tell me twice. When I hear that voice, I don’t mess around.

I hadn’t told my mom, but I still had a little bit of homework. I was supposed to be taking my shower, but was wrapping up my civics project instead. My assignment was to develop a political strategy for the upcoming elections. We could pick any election on the ballot and list the pros and cons of the candidate as well as how we could encourage people to elect this person. It was actually pretty interesting. Living near DC gives me a perspective on some of this stuff. Though the project was cool, I was sinking fast. I found myself daydreaming about other stuff. I wanted to switch around my desk, I wanted to get rid of all the stuffed animals that made my room look like a baby’s room and I wanted everything to be back to normal with some of my friends from last year.

I looked around my room and made a silent wish that my room would somehow magically clean itself. I must say, cleaning is not my thing. I don’t even know how this happens. There were clothes all over the floor and mismatched socks and things everywhere. I have a theory. When I dress for school in the morning, I often go through two or three outfits. Somehow the rejected pieces make it to the floor and here we are. I wrinkled my nose at the mess and headed toward the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face.

I’m so beat, time to hit the pillows. Nice covers, warm and soft. I drift off to sleep and am so tired I don’t remember dreaming at all.

Glitter, Paint and Homemade Cookies: One Girl's Guide to Surviving Middle School

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