Читать книгу Depression Cure: The Depression Cure Formula : 7Steps To Beat Depression Naturally Now Exclusive Edition - Heather Rose - Страница 2
ОглавлениеTable of Contents
Step 2 – Get More Exercise. 9
Step 3 – Relax. 12
Step 4 – Connect With Others. 17
Step 5 – Stay Away From Self-Medicating. 19
Step 6 – Adopt a Positive Thinking Attitude. 21
Step 7 - Keep A Journal 23
Depression affects 1 in 10 people all over the US. It’s one of the most common of mental illnesses and one of the easiest to treat.
According to CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) the most likely of people to suffer with depression are:
› People 45 – 64 years of age
› Women
› People who are unable to work or are unemployed
› Been previously married
› People without health insurance coverage
See stats below:
N# | Major depression % | Other depression % | Any depression % | |
Total | 235,067 | 4.1 | 5.1 | 9.1 |
Age group: · 18-24 · 25-34 · 35-44 · 45-64 · 65+ | 9,944 27.086 39.440 97.642 59.246 | 3.7 4.2 4.3 4.9 2.1 | 7.3 5.1 4.4 4.7 4.8 | 11.1 9.3 8.7 9.6 6.9 |
Gender: · Male · Female | 89.842 145.225 | 3.3 4.8 | 4.8 5.3 | 8.0 10.2 |
Marital Status: · Married · Previously Married · Never Married | 133.642 65.789 34.850 | 2.7 7.7 5.0 | 3.9 6.9 6.7 | 6.6 14.6 11.8 |
Healthcare plan: · Yes · No | 208.323 26.265 | 3.6 7.0 | 4.5 8.2 | 8.0 15.2 |
Employment Status: · Employed · Unemployed · Retired · Unable to work · Homemaker or student | 133.951 8.991 55.172 13.054 23.447 | 2.4 11.4 2.1 25.9 3.9 | 4.1 10.1 4.3 13.5 5.5 | 6.6 21.5 6.4 39.3 9.3 |
So even if we take what this study says verbatim then the majorities suffering with depression are those unemployed with no health insurance, so going down the “normal” routes of seeking out a psychiatric professional is out of the question.
The usual cost for a psychologist is $120 to $180 per 50-minute session. Some even charge a $250 first time evaluation fee!
Even for those that do have health insurance packages, it’ll only pay for so many sessions before you have to start paying for it yourself. Most insurance companies pay for the first 10 sessions and then after that you’re on your own. Some will pay a quarter of what the psychologist charges per hour and the rest you have to pay.
So what are the alternatives?
You could go to your family doctor and get prescribed anti-depressants. Let’s take a look at some of them.
The most commonly prescribed anti-depressants are:
· Prozac
· Luvox
· Zoloft
· Paxil
· Lexapro
These act on a chemical in the brain called serotonin. However like all anti-depressants the above five I’ve listed increase suicidal thoughts and behaviors as well as increasing hostility, agitation and anxiety.
They also have some horrible side effects such as:
· Nausea
· Insomnia
· Headaches
· Decreased sexual desires
· Sweating
· Tremors
· Weight loss or gain
· Dry mouth
· Diarrhea or constipation
· Dizziness
· Drowsiness and fatigue
Just what you need when you are suffering with depression. However there are other alternatives that are cost effective with zero side effects. Lets take a look at “7 Rapid Step Program to Beating Depression!”
Step 1 – Eating Healthily
Ok, so we hear this everywhere right? Every thing that you have wrong with you in this day and age revolves around what you eat. Now I’m no health freak and I love, beer, pizza, burgers, chocolate and all the stuff I’m NOT supposed to eat. However there has to be something in what the “gotta eat healthy” crowds are saying so lets take a look.
We all need food to stay alive, fit and healthy. Vitamins and minerals found in the foods that we eat effect our bodies in different ways. However the two most common jobs of our food is to replenish cells and the vital organs within our bodies and to control what hormones we produce and when.
To eat healthy is not just a case of what you eat but how you eat it. What you chose to put into your bodies can help you reduce the risk of illnesses such as:
· Heart disease
· Cancer
· Diabetes
· Help against depression!
Read the last bullet point again. The food that we eat can help against depression!
Why? Certain foods boost your energy levels; sharpen your memory and helps to lift your mood.
Lets take a look at these “super mood lifting” vitamins and minerals, how they affect you and what foods are they in.
1. Zinc
Low Zinc levels are said to contribute to depression. A study was conducted on 48 depressed patients and it found that the lower the Zinc levels the deeper the depression[1].
So what does Zinc do for us? Zinc is a mineral that is vital for growth and development and plays a major role in our immune responses, brain functions and the ability to reproduce. The recommended daily allowance for men is 11mg and 9mg for women.
Foods containing Zinc are:
· Oysters
· Animal livers
· Sesame seeds
· Beef
· Lamb
· Peanuts
· Dark chocolate
· Cheddar Cheese
· Kidney Beans
2. Iron
Iron is essential for neurological functions and development. If you have low levels of Iron in your body then it can lead to tiredness, irritability, difficulty in concentrating and depression.
The recommended daily intake of iron for men is 8mg and 18mg for women.
Foods containing Iron are:
· Red meat
· Dried fruits
· Artichokes
· Egg yolks
· Beans and lentils
· Oatmeal
· Spinach
· Whole wheat bread
· Cereals
3. Vitamin C
Our bodies are unable to make vitamin C so we need to get from the foods that we eat. Vitamin C is required for the production of protein collagen, which we have in our skin and bones. It also supports our bodies’ tissues and helps us heal wounds as well as assisting in our biochemical reactions, hence why vitamin C is essential when you are suffering with depression.
The recommended daily intake is 90mg for men and 75mg for women.
Foods containing vitamin C are:
· Red/Green chili peppers
· Guavas
· Dark leafy greens
· Oranges
· Kiwi
· Broccoli
· Cauliflower