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Dear Reader,

Danny Leigh was nearly shouting at me to tell his story. The trouble was that where his story started is not where it ended up. He and his first love, a Texas cowgirl with New York blue-blood roots, taught me that changing horses midstream isn’t easy, but it makes the destination that much sweeter. Of course, I got Danny back, torturing him just a little in this Angel Crossing, Arizona, book. Bwa-ha-ha.

At the heart of this reunion romance are two people just trying to do the best they can: Mayor Danny working to improve his town by remaining true to its roots and Clover Van Camp planning to transform the community into a Wild West resort with jobs and prosperity for one and all. Of course, the residents of Angel Crossing aren’t going to let this battle play out without putting in their two cents every chance they get.

I have so many more stories to tell about Angel Crossing and I can’t wait to do that. When I look back on how this all started with The Surgeon and the Cowgirl, I do wonder what the inspiration fairies were drinking.

If you want to know more about my inspirations and musings or drop me a note, check out my website and blog at heidihormel.net, where you also can sign up for my newsletter; or connect with me at Facebook.com/AuthorHeidiHormel; on Twitter @HeidiHormel; or Pinterest.com/hhormel.


Heidi Hormel

The Bull Rider's Redemption

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