Читать книгу A Darker Light - Heidi Priesnitz - Страница 8

chapter 1


From the height of the terrace where she sat, Sara framed the city's rooftops against the mist of the morning sky.


Red tile hides beneath moist, swirling air. The hood-like dome of a mosque rises above the mist and shines in the early rays of sun. There is a shadow that might be a woman shaking out a rug through an open window. There is a hint of blue that might be the sea.

"That's not enough for a tip," a young British woman said, making Sara turn away from the view. "You've never waited tables, so you have no idea what it's like."

The woman's greying husband, with the vista of Tangier behind him, flicked a crumb off the white tablecloth and counted the foreign currency in his wallet. "I know you think I'm made of money, but my fortune has to last another two weeks."

"Just give him something reasonable. I can't stand looking cheap."

Sara turned away from the quibbling couple and tried to catch her waiter's eye. Lifting up her empty cup, she motioned for a refill. She always drank too much coffee while she was travelling. I'll ease up when I get home, she thought, but she was never there long enough for it to matter.

"Where will you go today?" the young waiter asked, as he cleared away her dirty plate.

"To take more photos," she said.

"You want a nice place to see? You go to supermall. Good deals. Brand names."

"I'm looking for something older, more historic." Her editor wanted a story about romantic getaways—quiet dining, gorgeous hotels, ancient mosques, exotic views. Something beautiful to look at, not something to take home.

"This is oldest restaurant in Morocco," he told her. "It has always been here."

"Can I take your photograph?" she asked, lifting her camera from her lap. "I work for an English-language magazine."

"Yes, yes. Wait please."

He rushed off into the kitchen, fixing his hair and checking his shirt for stains or spills. When he returned, he stood where she asked him. He smiled fully, his mouth curved, his eyes robust.


A young man dressed in good pants and a well-ironed shirt smiles too hard for the camera.


The young man blinks, although he tries not to.


He blinks again.

"Thank you—Shukran," Sara said, lowering her camera slightly. "Maybe one more coffee?"

"Na'am." He lifted her cup and began to pour.


A man, with his eyes lowered and his lips determined, pours coffee on a terrace in Tangier.

On the street, Sara chose to walk to her first destination. With the strong coffee still in her veins, she moved fast—her eyes darting from building to building, looking for images worthy of her camera. The air was already warming—she could feel the heat gathering on her skin. She stopped at an open door.


A swirl of cloth as a woman turns away.

Soon, the walls of the medina stood before her. Remaining in full sunlight, she shot a roll of thirty-six, capturing angles and arches and awkward corners. Kneeling down, with her body bent forward to create some shade, she changed films rapidly.

Once inside the medina, she photographed a series of decorated doorways. For some, she filled the frame with white plaster, for others she included bits of sky, or patches of the dry, caked earth. There were moments when the dust moved like a sparkling mist, but she avoided these, knowing her editor would not approve of flying dirt.

Pressing herself into a wall to get the distance she required, she waited for some young boys to pass by. At the last minute, the smallest boy changed direction and ran straight through an arch-way. Sara snapped quickly, following the boy's movement with the camera's eye. After he disappeared, she repositioned herself so that she could see down the full length of the street. A middle aged man with crooked teeth and a white hat watched her from his idle newspaper stand as she shot another series of frames.

"Good holiday?" he called out, scratching an elbow with one of his dark, inky hands.

"Excuse me?"

"Good holiday?"

"Actually, I'm working."

"No!" He shook his head. "You are too happy to be working. Look at me, I am working!"

Sara smiled. She couldn't imagine doing anything else. "You're right," she said. "It's a great job."

"Maybe we trade?" the man offered. "I am free—you stand in hot sun until it is time to eat, sleep and start over again. Or maybe you come home with me? Bring your camera, take nice picture of us together in..."

His voice trailed off as Sara walked away. She was finished with mosques and archways and ready to move on. After walking back to her hotel, she ordered dinner and amused herself by critiquing the clumsy composition of a handful of shiny tourist brochures.

Waking before the alarm, Sara bought a banana at a stand near the hotel and ate it while walking. Then, taking a cab to speed up the process, she headed for a small Internet café that, for much of the day, lounged lazily in the shade of the university. Through the propped-open door she could see two computers, both occupied by silent, stone-faced students. Waiting her turn with a cup of coffee and a square of almond baklava, she sat down and organized her notes. She kept track of everything. For her editor, she noted where, when and what time of day. For herself, specific or unusual lens choices and camera settings. When a computer finally became available, she typed fast, double-checking place names but misspelling her own.

Leaving the café, Sara was ready to courier her rolls of film. She walked to a little shop she'd used once before and pleaded for rush service, but five days to America was the best they could do. Carefully she bundled the rolls in a protective box and began to negotiate her way through a courier form that was difficult to read. With a combination of blind guessing and explicit hand gestures from the clerk, Sara wrote something on every line. Her signature was a scribble in the lower left corner. The clerk smiled and placed the package, along with an overflowing pile of others, on a large central desk. Sara wondered how many slid unnoticed to the floor.

After a last stop at her hotel, she was ready to leave the country. Ordering a cab from the lobby, she began to prepare herself for the hassle of getting on the ferry.


An unveiled woman with curly dark hair and long thin limbs lifts her camera bags over a mob of hungry young boys. All eyes are focused on her as she plows through the crowd.

Surrounding every other foreigner on the way to the ferry there was a mirror image. Except some of the children were grown men and some of them wanted more than money.

Keeping her mouth set and her eyes firm, Sara pushed her way forward.

Once on board, she decided to stand outside. She loved watching the city disappear one frame at a time as the ferry chugged through the water. After a two-hour wait in Algeciras, Sara caught an overcrowded bus to Malaga. When she arrived at the station, she grabbed her luggage and hailed a cab to her favourite hotel. The four-storey building with its clean, simple exterior looked as familiar as her own apartment. Gratefully, she smiled at the man who signed her into a room.

Once upstairs, she dropped her luggage and ran herself a hot bath. The splashing water erased the tension of the bus ride, and her stomach began to settle down. Moving slowly, she dried off, dressed in clean clothes and ran her hands through her mess of damp hair.

Relaxing into the comforting arms of the Costa del Sol, Sara indulged herself in the evening she had hungered for. The restaurant she chose was lit with a gentle glow that bounced off the whitewashed walls and illuminated her food. She ate slowly, sipping wine and watching the flickering shadows her candle made on the table. At the end of the large meal, she tipped her waitress generously and took one last gulp of strong, sobering coffee.

As she walked back to the hotel, she could still feel the wine buzzing slightly in her head. Squinting at the street's detail, her eyes were as full and sore as her belly. Silently she walked into the cool, formal lobby without noticing the ceiling fans twirling endlessly above. She kept her head down, imagining frame after frame of symmetrically patterned carpet.

"Señora?" a man's voice said.

"Hmm?" Sara paused but did not look up.

"My name is Alvaro."


"I have often seen you walk this way—your eyes down around your ankles. Why not look up," he said, smiling, "when you have so many things to look up at?"

"You've seen me before?"

"Si. When you checked in, and also other times."

"I was," she brought her hand to her face and smiled, "I was looking at the carpet."

"So, you are not sad then?"

"No. Is that what you thought?"

"Beautiful woman, always alone, drowning her sorrow in her ankles..."

"I was thinking."

"I have been thinking too," the young man said, coming out from behind the counter."I want to show you somewhere happy."

"I was just going to bed."

"Oh." The man's wild eyes flashed through a whole roll of possibility. "Maybe tomorrow then, unless you want... no. No, you must sleep. Good night, Señora. Sleep well. I will show you some other time."

"Si. Some other time."

As she climbed the stairs, she was thinking of the boyish man with his muscular arms and well-formed smile. In her room, she walked to the small basin and ran water from the tap. Her neck was tanned where it showed through her loosely buttoned shirt and there was more colour on her cheeks than she expected. Squinting into the large, square mirror, she framed herself against the room's soft texture. She fixed her hair before pressing the shutter.


A dark curl escapes the others.

With the imaginary photograph complete, she washed her hands and dried them on the bleached white towel. Walking quietly to the door, she eased it open and allowed her gaze to explore the empty hallway. She could imagine his arrival—a blur of black and white dancing through the glowing red. She would use a long exposure to capture him as he passed through her life. C–l–i–c–k and then click, click. Movement and a sudden goodbye.

When the streetlights outside the window blinked off one by one and the sun rose on the other side of the building, Sara's head was under a pillow. She surfaced briefly from a dream and then rolled back into sleep.

At noon, still lolling in the smoothness of the hotel sheets, she was reluctant to get up. Her mind was filled with images from other visits to Malaga.


The dripping foliage of freshly watered flowers on a third-storey balcony.


Through an iron gate, an abandoned wooden chair on the well-worn steps of a Gothic cathedral.


A scattering of birds as a young boy chases a dog through a half-forgotten street.

Sara enjoyed the visual luxury of the city—she could sit at a sidewalk café and take a handful of beautiful shots without leaving her chair.

When the phone rang, she was startled and forced to sit up. She reached over and answered, recognizing the silence immediately. It was her editor.


"Sara, did I get you up?"

"No. I was just about to run out the door. What is it? Did you get the Portugal negatives?"

"Sara, I want to talk to you about your photos."

Pulling the sheet over her breasts, Sara listened. Joyce rarely called unless she wanted to change an assignment, and sometimes not even then. Email was cheaper and easier to use.

"I think I sent seven rolls," Sara said.

"Yes, I have them, but they're horrible. In fact, this is a terrible batch."

"I don't understand."

"Maybe you should check your camera."


"These negatives are all trash. There's nothing here I can use."

"But, I thought you wanted shots of—"

"The subject matter is great," Joyce said. "I'm talking about the quality. They're all fuzzy. I think you should check your camera."

"I don't know what you're talking about. My camera's fine!"

"Well then check your head, because I can't use anything you sent."

The phone went dead in Sara's hand. Joyce gave no further instructions.

Unable to swallow, Sara got up and spit into the sink. Pulling her temples back to stretch her tired eyes, she glared at herself in the mirror. With an elastic band she pulled back her dirty hair and bent over to wash her face. She needed to test her camera.

Brushing off the woman at the reception desk, Sara rushed into the street. Adjusting her camera quickly, she took a series of frantic shots. Then, deciding she needed to match the conditions in Portugal, she hailed a cab.

Sitting in the back seat, her hand waiting to open the door, she rocked with the motion of the car. Reading her anxiety, the driver wove through the heavy traffic as quickly as he could. When they arrived, she thrust a bill at him without waiting for the change.

Standing on the beach, she squinted at the light reflecting off the water and the tiny speckles of sand. Pulling her camera out of the bag, she aimed low, just below the horizon. The intensity of the sun made it difficult to see.


Three-quarters water. One-quarter sky.


One-quarter water. Three-quarters sky.


Half water. Half sky.


A wave in transition.

Mechanically, everything about the camera seemed fine. Aim. Shoot. Advance. She had done this a thousand times. After shooting the rest of the roll, she walked back to the main road. This time she would develop the prints. She wanted something that she could study with her own eyes.

With twelve hours to wait for the film to be processed, Sara sat in a crowded sidewalk café drinking strong black coffee. Absently she stared at the texture of the table. When her eyes glazed over, she shifted to the dark green foliage dangling from the wall beside her. It moved from translucent to opaque as the wind blew it in and out of the dappled sun.

Jittery from the coffee and the anxiety of the wait, Sara walked down to the harbour. With the orange glow of the sky behind it, she chose a perfect angle to sit and watch the sun fall. In the distance, there were small boats returning, full of fish and tired men. The rusty hues of their bodies matched the sky. Out of habit, Sara lifted her camera and took a few shots. Then she waited for her subjects to draw nearer.

On the boat she chose, the fish shone silver and grey, their mouths pale against the black of the floor. Three men, with faces wrinkled from many seasons of sun, shouted with their arms—move this way, more to the left, now tie her off. Sara waited until their faces had turned away. She wanted hands and rope and squirming fish, not the eyes of tired fishermen. Although she tried to tighten the focus of her telephoto lens, she couldn't get a clear view. She shook it, shielded her face, wiped the lens clean. But there was no change.

Kicking up stones, she started walking the short distance back to the hotel.

Taking a shortcut down a quiet, narrow street, she watched a man come out of his repair shop. As he turned to lock the door, she saw "Fuji" and "Kodak" on large plastic signs posted in the window.

"Perdón, Señor! Habla inglés?"

Looking her up and down, he answered suspiciously, "Si. Un poco."

"Do you repair cameras?"


"Please," she started to dig hers out of the bag, "the focus is blurry."

"No. Today I am closed."

"It's an emergency," Sara pleaded.

"Five minutes." He held up his hand, displaying each finger in case she didn't understand.

While Sara waited in the cramped space of the store-front, the repairman took out his tools and looked closely at the camera.

Returning to the counter, the man spoke carefully, exaggerating each syllable. "Camera no problem," he said. "No problem."

"I'm a professional photographer," she told him. "PHOTOGRAPHER. I know my lens has a mechanical problem. My photos are BLURRY."

"No, Señora." He shook his head.

"Have you worked on Nikons before?"

"Camera no problem!" the grey-haired man repeated.

"But close-up shots come out fuzzy—FUZZY!" Sara explained again, wondering how much English he really understood. "The lens won't focus. NO FOCUS."

"Si. But CAMERA NO PROBLEM!" the man shouted. He put the Nikon on the counter, but she wouldn't take it. "Por favor, Señora. Por favor." He pulled keys out of his pocket, as if ready to lock up the store.

"Please, just look at it again," she said. "This is IMPORTANT!"

"¡Basta! Camera is good."

Slamming the door, she slung the camera bag over her shoulder and started walking. She would look for another repair shop tomorrow.

Pulling open the hotel's heavy lobby doors gave her a rush of comfort. Soon she would throw herself into the tub.

"Señora!" the woman at the front desk called. "Señora, I have an envelope for you."

Sara stopped and turned.

"It has been here all day," the woman said. "And this too." She held up a fax.

In the elevator, Sara scanned the page. It was an apology from her editor.

Look, I didn't mean to come down so hard on you. I've been thinking, maybe you should go home for awhile. You've been away a long time. Do what you have to do to change your ticket.

She crushed the paper with her right hand. She would think about it in the morning—after her trial photos had been developed. Opening the envelope she read, Meet me at four. Bring your camera.Alvaro.

It was already after five.

A Darker Light

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