| No. 482. Three 卐 (Sacrifices) and 2 obscure Signs.—B. (Comp. Plate XXII. No. 326, and Schliemann’s description, see p. 84 and 137.) Reddish; very rude; kneaded. The axes of the Whorl and the hole do not coincide (8½ M.). |
| No. 483. A 卐 and rude Figures (Qu., animals or letters?). Grey; polished; very coarse (4 M.). |
| No. 484. A Terra-cotta Tripod. The top (in the upper figure) shews the Tree of Life (in the middle) attacked by the Caterpillar (on the right), the symbol of the Powers of Mischief. On the left is a 卐 and other Marks. Grey; polished; work rude (3 M.). |
| No. 485. Three concentric rows of Dots: 12 in the inner, 14 in the next, and 17 in the outer border, which is marked by a Circle and divided by straight lines. M. Burnouf explains the inner ring of dots as the 12 months of the year, and the 2 outer as referring to the days and lunations (8 M.). |
PLATE XLIX. A Ball And Whorls. |
| No. 486. A Celestial Sphere, with lines marking the Zones and the Ecliptic. (The Ecliptic is not continued across the S. hemisphere, but ends at the extremities of a hole pierced through the middle of the Ball, possibly signifying the ancient belief that the nocturnal course of the Sun was subterranean.) Black; unpolished (8 M.). |
| No. 487. Three quintuple Rising Suns, with a Sun crossed by a 卐. Grey; polished; very regular (7 M.). |
| No. 488. Three Arcs, enclosing dots, and 2 卐. “The 3 stations of the Sun. The Morning and Evening Sacrifices, with their priests: the Noon has 3 priests.”—B. Grey. Worn by circular friction. |
| No. 489. Four triple Arcs (Rising Suns) and a 卐. “The 4 quarters of the month or of the year, with the Holy Sacrifice.”—B. Fine black earth (10 M.). |
| No. 490D. Obv. Three Suns and 3 卐 alternately. “The 3 stations of the Sun and the 3 Sacrifices.” Rev. Three triple Radii. Fine black earth; polished (4 M.). |
PLATE L. Remarkable Ball and Whorl. |
| No. 491. Six faces of a Terra-cotta Ball, with Celestial Emblems, fully described at p. 168. “One of the most interesting objects in the whole collection” (SCHL.) Yellowish earth (5 M.). |
| No. 492. A Whorl, so nearly globular as to form a transition to the Balls. Triple lines and rows of dots round the border; curious characters (Qu., letters?) round the whole. Reddish yellow; badly kneaded; not polished. |
PLATE LI.A Ball aAnd Inscribed Whorls. |
| No. 493. A Ball, with its 8 segments developed, fully described at pp. 167–8. Black earth; polished; patterns white (5 M.). |
| No. 494. Whorl with an inscription. Blackish earth; badly kneaded. (M. Burnouf pronounces this and No. 496 to be by the same workman as the Whorl with the developed pattern (Plate XXV. No. 357) and the two inscribed Vases, No. 3, p. 23, and No. 33, P. 50) (7 M.). |
| No. 495D. A small Whorl, with cruciform Pattern on both sides (see Plate). Light brown (M.). |
| No. 496. Very important inscribed Whorl. The inscription is the same as that shown in No. 115, p. 161. (See Appendix, pp. 366–368.) Red coarse earth; not polished; work very coarse (7 M.). |
PLATE LII. Two Remarkable Trojan Balls. |
| No. 497. Ball with an inscription; showing 3 Faces and the Pattern developed. Brownish grey; polished; pattern white (8 M.). |
| No. 498. Ball, with its 8 segments developed, representing the starry heavens, with a 卐 and the Tree of Life. Yellow earth; badly modelled (8 M.). (Dr. Schliemann has 25 Terra-cotta Balls, most of them covered with dots, and representing stars, with or without lines denoting the equator, the colures, the zones, and the ecliptic.) |